Palestinian Resistance Attacks Occupation in Jabalia as Zionist Retreat; Hezbollah Broadens Attack Range

The Palestinian Resistance continues its operations on various fronts on the 238th day of the Al-Aqsa…

Attempted coup? U.S. Mercenaries Captured as Congo Political Crisis Takes New Twist

On Sunday May 19, Republican Guard forces in the Gombe district of the capital city Kinshasha…

Presidential Elections and Violence in Mexico: Chiapas as a Mirror

In the midst of the maelstrom of violence in Chiapas, these days we are also experiencing…

HPG: Two Soldiers Killed, One Helicopter Hit by the Guerrillas

The Press Office of the HPG (People’s Defence Forces) reported that the guerrillas continued their resistance…

The Question of Hamas and the Left

Recently, a rash of articles has surfaced criticizing the Western left for “celebrating” Hamas. Most of…