Hamas National Relations Spokesman, Hussam Badran, Discusses Resistance, Negotiations and Tensions

Head of the National Relations Office at Hamas, Hussam Badran, to Our Quds channel (1/2):

Our people are engaged in an unprecedented battle with distinguished resistance performance and the legendary steadfastness of our great people. Our people have proven to the world that they are unbreakable and indomitable. The extent of the enemy’s crimes, if inflicted upon other nations, would have caused their collapse in a short period.
Resistance is our legitimate right, and we do not wait for a balance of power to resist the enemy. We have worked on preparing and developing our capabilities with all the power we possess. As a unified Palestinian people, most national forces stand in the trench of resistance.
The heroic performance of the resistance is the result of long-term preparation and readiness for such a significant battle. The resistance’s performance and our people’s steadfastness have put the enemy in a state of confusion and hesitation in political and military decisions. Additionally, the coordination between various military factions has contributed to and strengthened our people’s steadfastness and resistance in the face of the zionist oppression machine.
The demands of our negotiating delegation are the just demands of our people, not just Hamas. These demands have national consensus. The movement has dealt with high positivity and great flexibility with all mediations. The enemy practices deception and lies, claiming that the obstruction to reaching a deal is due to Hamas’s intransigence. This is because the enemy has failed to achieve the goals it announced for this war and is in a predicament of exiting the war.
Everything that comes out of the negotiating delegation is done after consultation and coordination with the movement’s leadership in Gaza.
We have categorically refused at all stages of the negotiations to discuss the day after the war. The resistance will not allow anyone to dictate anything related to the internal Palestinian arrangement. We are talking about the entire Palestinian situation after the war, not just Gaza after the war.
Our vision is to form a national unity government with a national reference, specific tasks, and a temporary period until elections are held. President Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas] is the one who refuses and obstructs the proposal to form a unity government. He has gone ahead and formed a government unilaterally without consulting anyone, and our Palestinian people will not stand in line waiting for the [Palestinian] Authority to change its stance.

We will pursue every option that serves our people’s interests and aspirations for liberation and return, hand in hand with the national action factions. Nothing can be arranged in the Palestinian arena without Hamas being present and influential. International and regional parties recognize that eliminating Hamas is impossible. All attempts to pressure Hamas into concessions have failed, and political games and negotiations will not succeed in that either.

The government in Ramallah is incapable of performing its duties in the West Bank, let alone playing any role in Gaza. Additionally, the [Palestinian] Authority’s practices in the West Bank and its security coordination with the enemy have weakened the state of resistance in the West Bank. Our Palestinian people in the West Bank see hope in resistance and in the Al-Aqsa Flood.
We are working on developing the resistance in the West Bank and expanding its presence. I ask everyone in the West Bank who carries a weapon, official or unofficial, to review themselves and hold themselves accountable. Everyone who carries a weapon in the West Bank can make a significant impact. Today, Palestinians do not need authorization or a decision from any party; they should take the initiative themselves.
The issue is not between Hamas and Fatah; rather, it is the national collective against the [Palestinian] Authority’s rejectionist and obstinate stance. There are also protests within Fatah ranks regarding Abbas’ handling of the national issue and obstructing efforts to achieve comprehensive national reconciliation.
The Palestine Liberation Organization does not belong to an individual or a group, and our Palestinian people are larger than all factions and institutions. No party has the right to impose conditions on us for joining the PLO. Several factions are not part of the organization, not just Hamas, such as Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front, and the resistance factions in Gaza.
Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri, may Allah have mercy on him, was one of the main pillars working to bring viewpoints closer and reach common ground with all factions.

The Arab and Islamic peoples have a clear compass towards the Palestinian cause, unaffected by attempts to reshape awareness and change convictions. It is required that the peoples elevate their supportive performance to match the level of heroism of the resistance, our people’s steadfastness, and their sacrifices.