Mapuche Political Prisoner Facundo Jones Huala Declares Dry Hunger Strike

To the Mapuche nation and to public opinion in general. From the autonomous Mapuche movement of Puelmapu we report the following:

That as of Wednesday, June 26 of this year 2024, our militant FRANCISCO FACUNDO JONES HUALA has begun an indefinite dry hunger strike.

Today is the end of his sentence, so he must be released immediately, as stated in the rulings and requests of both the Chilean and Argentine courts. Otherwise, international legal and diplomatic treaties in force between the two countries would be flagrantly and maliciously violated and all human rights would be violated. The detention is illegal and lacks argument, so the gendarmerie and the State of Chile would be the architects of the kidnapping of the Lonko.

The Gendarmerie and the Chilean judicial system are lying when they try to add another year to his sentence, when all the judicial rulings in which the extradition trial is being held again clearly say that his sentence ends on June 26, not on June 8, 2025 as indicated by the Chilean gendarmerie.

To let this violation, an illegal kidnapping, pass would set a serious precedent, because it is equivalent to allowing detentions outside the law. The courts and the political power, accomplices of the real power, by allowing this outrage do nothing more than make explicit the political-legal and police-military PERSECUTION AND REPRESSION in Mapuche territory, towards the most combative, conscious and revolutionary sectors of our nation, in favor of economic power.

The current strike of a political nature comes both to expose the level of repression of the oppressive states of Argentina and Chile that are at the service of transnationals and landowners; as well as to denounce the total lack of legal guarantees, of prison conditions with cultural relevance, the violation of the rights of Mapuche political prisoners, our relatives and close ones by the Gendarmerie.

States must recognize the existence of the political conflict and therefore our condition as political prisoners, in addition to valuing the intervention of relevant international organizations in search of political ways to resolve the conflict.

If there are no basic guarantees in our judicial processes or in the conditions of detention, and even worse, it is added that we are not released when we serve a sentence, can possible political solutions be conceived by trusting in the winka? This only reaffirms our anti-systemic, anti-colonial, anti-capitalist and anti-statist political tendencies and positions.

The oppressive Winka cannot be trusted even a bit: The only way is and will be confrontation, battle, a violent response to their state terrorism; if they do not respect their law or their treaties, if there are no guarantees when they imprison us, even less can we trust the return of lands. That is why the only real, valid and dignified thing is Mapuche direct action, and those who do not have courage for the weichán, at least do not get in the way.

Needless to say, the prison is assumed with dignity, the strike as a trench and its consequences: in honor of our prisoners and dead, for the maturation of our ancestral consciousness, for the reconstruction of our world and the Mapuche national liberation.

Out with Benetton, landowners and transnational corporations from wallmapu!
Return of all the usurped territory to our people!
Prison conditions in accordance with our condition as Mapuche political prisoners!
Fair trials, due process, and no more use of protected witnesses!
Enough of racism and colonialism!
¡Amulepe taiñ weichán!

Autonomous Mapuche Movement of Puelmapu (M.A.P)
Mapuche Ancestral Resistance (R.A.M)
Communities in resistance Department of Cushamen

Radio Kurruf