Ahmed Murad, Head of PFLP Media Office, Issues Statement on the State of the Resistance

We bow in reverence to the greatness of our people’s sacrifices, and our confidence in the inevitability of historical victory is firm and will not be shaken.
Glory and eternity to the souls of the martyrs of our people, our nation, and the free people of the world who were martyred defending the values of justice and freedom, especially the martyrs of our people in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Al-Quds, across historic Palestine, and in all locations of refuge and diaspora.
The Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood came as a natural response to the crimes and brutality of the occupation and all the historical injustice inflicted upon our people for more than 75 years.
Resistance is the destiny of our people, and we fully understand its costs and prices, but it remains much less than the cost of surrender and subjugation.
What our people and their brave resistance have achieved over nine months of aggression in Gaza is a miracle in every sense of the word, surpassing all calculations and expectations.
The announcement by the zionist enemy of the transition to the third phase of its military operation does not change the reality of the facts; this announcement is part of the occupation army’s tactics after it failed to achieve any of its announced goals at the start of the aggression against our people.
We in the resistance forces have declared since the start of the aggression nine months ago our openness to any political initiatives provided they first ensure a comprehensive and permanent halt to the aggression, lift the siege, withdraw the occupation from the Gaza Strip, open the crossings, allow in aid, and complete a comprehensive prisoner exchange deal.
President Biden’s initiative carries many doubts and is an exposed attempt to wrest the prisoner card from the resistance and later resume aggression against our people, which our people cannot accept.
Despite the bloodshed and the great sacrifices, the resistance has managed to achieve qualitative successes against the occupation army, inflicting heavy losses in lives and equipment.
The resistance could not have achieved all these accomplishments without the popular support and embrace it has received. This belies any suspicious claims to the contrary.
The repeated zionist-American narrative about the day after the war has no place in our people’s lexicon; they alone decide their fate and shape their future after the aggression ends.
Our people will not accept any Arab or international force entering the Gaza Strip and will treat them as an occupying force.
The internal divisions and disturbances in zionist society and its government are a result of our people’s legendary steadfastness and the catastrophic failure of the occupation army.
Successive American administrations are constant partners in the aggression against our people, and we cannot rely on them as an impartial mediator. The talk of disagreements between the Biden administration and Netanyahu is just throwing dust in the eyes; the American and zionist goal is the same: to eliminate the resistance and liquidate the Palestinian cause according to zionist-American agendas.
The racist positions and statements from the occupation’s generals and leaders reflect the depth of the historical and existential crisis threatening the zionist state.
It is now required for everyone, especially some Arab official regimes, to reconsider their calculations after the weakness and fragility of this entity have been exposed, and the inevitability of its defeat has been made clear.

We renew the call for comprehensive Palestinian dialogue and regret the failure to hold the Beijing meeting, and we hold those who disrupted this meeting morally and nationally responsible.

Our destiny is to unite in the fields of confrontation against the occupation; history has never recorded that a divided people can achieve a strategic victory over its enemies.
What is happening in the West Bank and Al-Quds is no less hideous and dangerous than the genocide against our people in the Gaza Strip.
Despite nine months of aggression, the resistance is still at the peak of its strength and possesses many power cards and surprises that will astonish the enemy, as proven by recent events and facts.
We call on the normalization regimes with the zionist state to expel ambassadors, close zionist embassies, cut all forms of relations with the zionist state, and stop the open land bridge supplying the zionist state with many of its essential needs after the Yemeni Armed Forces imposed a severe naval blockade on it.
The continued relations of the Arab normalization regimes with the occupying state are a stab in the back of the Palestinian people, and history will not forgive.
We highly appreciate all forms of support and solidarity with our people and salute with reverence and esteem all those who gathered in the streets and squares of capitals and cities around the world, rejecting aggression and condemning the crimes of the occupation.
Greetings to all the forces of resistance in our nation and region, especially to the people of our brotherly Yemen, the honorable Iraqi resistance, Arab Syria, the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, and all thanks and appreciation to the Islamic Republic of Iran for its continuous support for the Axis of Resistance.

Greetings of loyalty and appreciation to the people of our brotherly Lebanon, especially the people of the frontline towns and villages, for their steadfastness, resilience, and great sacrifices for Palestine and in defense of Lebanon’s freedom, dignity, and sovereignty.