Tulkarem Continues to Display the Most Splendid Epics of Heroism and Sacrifice: PFLP

The Popular Front mourns the martyrs of Tulkarem and affirms that the resistance will remain a thorn in the throat of the criminal zionist enemy.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine mourns a new group of heroic resistance fighters who were martyred yesterday evening, Tuesday, in a cowardly zionist bombing carried out by a drone, targeting them in the middle of the brave Nour Shams camp east of the occupied city of Tulkarem.

This new zionist crime adds to the record of brutal crimes committed by the zionist entity against our steadfast people.

No matter how brutal these crimes may be, they will not break the will of our people, nor will they undermine the determination of our fighters and their steadfast belief in resisting this cowardly occupation. Every drop of blood shed will only increase our strength and resolve to continue our resistance until we liberate all of our national land.

We salute the heroic Nour Shams camp and its valiant fighters who continue to display the most splendid epics of heroism and sacrifice, affirming through their fierce resistance and great sacrifices that the resistance in Tulkarem, as in every part of our occupied land, will remain a thorn in the throat of this criminal enemy. The response to this crime will be tantamount to the sacrifices and the pain that our people endure daily, as Tulkarem has always been a city of swift retaliation.

We call on our noble and steadfast people to adhere to the general strike announced by the national and Islamic forces in Tulkarem city, in loyalty and commitment to the blood of the martyrs, and to confirm our unity around the choice of resistance.

Glory to our righteous martyrs, and victory will surely be the ally of our people.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
July 3, 2024.