Abu Hamza Speaks: Zionist Regimes’ Demise is Inevitable

The spokesperson for the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, Abu Hamza, stated, in an exclusive interview with Al Mayadeen, “The battle with this enemy is unequal at all levels, as it is supported by the most powerful countries in the world, which unleashed its hand to kill and destroy, sparing nothing, no trees, no stones, and no humans”

The response of the spokesperson came in response to a question about how the guerilla warfare strategy, adopted by the Resistance, allowed it to defeat the occupation forces.

Abu Hamza explained the disparities between the Resistance and the occupation forces. He emphasized, “We as a resistance, on the other hand, have only a small amount of equipment and numbers, but the moral and ideological elements that the resistance possesses have provided it with motivation and spiritual support that allowed it to withstand fighting its enemy with unparalleled equanimity and courage.”

He further stressed that “The Resistance shattered the enemy’s calculations and prevented it from achieving any of its goals, preventing it from positioning itself at any point or spot without its vehicles and soldiers coming under attack.”

Abu Hamza pointed out that “the Resistance engages in complex urban warfare, a type of warfare it has trained for and equipped itself for, tailored to its capabilities and resources.” The spokesperson explains, “Resistance fighters adapted to the geography of Gaza, with its alleys and tunnels, so they mobilized what is above and below the ground to reach their goals, engaging from point blank.”

He highlighted that “The results have been commensurate with each military operation carried out at the right time and place, which surprised the enemy, confusing its calculations and making it helpless in the face of an invisible resistance that reaches it, strikes it and withdraws.”

In this context, Abu Hamza also proclaimed that “victory over the enemy is coming and realized, God willing, and its indicators are tangible and increasing day by day in every confrontation that has occurred or will occur.”

Palestinian factions stand united

During the interview, a key point discussed was whether military operations in the sector are conducted through agreement with all other factions or if military leadership operates separately from political coordination.

In light of that question, Abu Hamza explained that “Military operations in Gaza have a complex and special nature, and open coordination between the factions at the central level is difficult.”

However, he added that “coordination between factions in certain military operations is based on battlefield necessities and the geographical terrain where fighters defend against enemy advances.”

The spokesperson then emphasized that “the relationship between fighters of different factions, particularly between Al-Quds Brigades and Al-Qassam Brigades, is strong, allowing them to collaborate as needed for each operation.”

He explained that “this is dictated by the battlefield and adapted by the fighters, with full support and encouragement from their leadership.”

Netanyahu’s government is disconnected from reality

The third question addressed whether the Zionist entity would agree to previously accepted conditions mediated by others, or if the situation would change depending on the ongoing Israeli incursion into Rafah.

Abu Hamza said that the continuation of the war “secures their future in power, keeps them away from trials, and keeps them away from fears of the government collapsing and going to early elections.”

“These corrupt people don’t care about the army or the people, because they look down on the people below them,” he said.

Abu Hamza believed that “any agreement that brings them closer to these fears will not be accepted, and what will force this corrupt government to accept any agreement, according to what we see, is when their army reaches a level that imposes on it the inability to continue the war, and the inability to bear more losses without any political gain, then for every incident we will talk.”

Regarding the entry of the occupation forces into Rafah, Abu Hamza told Al Mayadeen: “It is a foregone conclusion, and it goes according to their [Israeli] military plans that will only bring them [IOF] more defeat.”

The coming days will have the final say

In response to military observers indicating increased operations by the occupying army in Gaza to deplete resistance ammunition, the spokesperson noted that “the Palestinian Resistance deals with the enemy now in Gaza like an occupier of our land,” adding that “what the enemy thinks and calculates regarding the Resistance’s ammunition is worthless, as it has tried Gaza before, and its leaders who were characterized by great military capabilities, such as Dayan, Rabin and Sharon, tried it [Gaza] and withdrew.”

Abu Hamza explained that “Gaza was not as militarily strong in their time [Dayan, Rabin and Sharon] as it is now, and there is no comparison between Gaza’s past and present to talk about, as everything is different now.”

“When we describe our enemy as an occupier, it means that we will fight them until the last bullet… The enemy knows that fighting for years in Gaza will not achieve its goals,” said Abu Hamza.

The spokesperson further noted that “the munitions that the resistance possesses are difficult to count in terms of equipment and types,” reaffirming that “the creative ability to manufacture in the most extreme conditions still exists.”

It is important to note that Abu Hamza also emphasized “not underestimating the capabilities of our enemy.” He stressed that the Resistance “takes this into account in its fight with them, and similarly, they should not underestimate our capabilities, as the coming days will be decisive in determining the outcome between us and them.”

Regime is welcome in Gaza’s hell

Regarding the assertion that it will impose military rule in Gaza after the aggression, Abu Hamza responded decisively, through Al Mayadeen, saying that “the future of the enemy is demise, and this is a Quranic imperative that we believe in and work on.”

What was impossible in previous times, according to Abu Hamza, “has now become possible and acceptable to reason and logic,” considering that “the enemy army is no longer convincing its people in providing any degree of security for them and for their future, so how can it be persuasive in its decision to rule militarily in Gaza?”

Abu Hamza concluded by saying: “If they [the occupatin forces] can, they are welcome in the hell of Gaza! And if they cannot, what we say about the inevitability of the demise of their entity is assured, with God’s permission,” Abu Hamza concluded.