Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis: Greeting-Report on End of Hunger Strike

“If the fate of tragedies is overturned in favor of freedom, then every year becomes bearable… […] Fate will have its share of defeat this time.”

Abdullah Öcalan

Does it make sense to defend a two-week hunger strike? Of course. We take stock of 60″ actions carried out by two people, will we not account for an act that carries the same risk of loss? So take stock.

I thank the Anares Action and Solidarity Group for its immediate initiative. This is how the world of solidarity is built. Thank you for the dedication, which is the promise, from the streets of fire, thank you also for the signs on the walls that say that we will organize a look-out in every neighborhood. I thank the solidarity assembly that was set up in Athens and all the individuals and collective bodies that responded in any way. These first moves, which do not weigh up, demonstrated that it is not possible for the king or his courtiers to cut down a tree from the forest and return to the mansion unscathed. These first moves prevented an attempt to wear and tear me by the state before its retreat.

Returning to the wing, I was greeted by a multitude of people to express joy, to tighten my hand, to see if I am well, to carry my things, to cook for me. I knew that the previous days there was discussions about some solidarity mobilization for me. With all their reluctance, efforts are important. D1 is the wing of the heaviest workers. With the exception of the workshop workers who do all prison repairs, it is the wing of cooks, rubbish and cleaners of all prison outside the wings. It is the wing of the proletarians or proletarized prisoners who save value for the state with unpaid work because they are determined to leave the fastest from here. In this condition where the blackmail of exclusion from wage and movement to another wing is an iron boot, the elementary social spontaneity expressed is important. It shows that solidarity does not even disappear under the heavier oppression. It also shows that when the people finds its weapons, it finds both a mind and unity. These weapons, of the unmistakable resistance, are not brought by God, fortune, the objective-subjective conditions (or upside down if you will), nor the anticipation of the Holy Rebellion: the revolutionary stratum brings them.

In the minutes of the disciplinary board, it appears that in the midst of the strike, the Directorate attempted to create a substrate for my isolation from my fellow detainees, even inciting confrontations, by handling or possibly fabricating the testimony of the third cell-mate, who was called to testify. Without illusions, in a-social bourgeois culture there can be no betrayal, since everyone betrays themselves in some way. But we must give confidence to our neighbours, this road points to anarchy. We are on the lookout for the course of the prison management’s policy. We did not exchange libations of honorable peace.

Any interpretation of the retreat of the class-political/cultural enemy before testing the limits of confrontation would be controversial, and therefore useless for a public account, which must be clear. Surely the government wants the field to be quiet for the summer, not to maintain some non-existent political peace, but in order to keep the initiative for its planned attacks. Alertness.

Fate this time had its share of defeat.

The struggle continues.

Victory in the struggles of imprisoned and captive refugees

Immediate release of the revolutionaries Nikos Maziotis, Dimitris Koufodinas and Savvas Xiros

Release of revolutionary Pola Roupa

Release of all those convicted for 17 November

Release and acquittal of fighter Andreas F. from Patras

Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis

Domokos Prison

July 15, 2024

Athens Indymedia