To the Front, To The Front… To Overthrow Fascism — HBDH

On the anniversary of the Sivas and Çorum massacres committed by Turkish fascism against Alevi workers, a new massacre and pogrom was staged. A new wave has been added to the never-ending series of aggression, bloodshed and massacres. Fascist attacks on the Kurdish people, Alevis, Armenians and Greeks continue with attacks on Arab refugees fleeing the war in Syria. The attacks that started in Kayseri and launched against poor and working refugees are the result of the hostile policies and propaganda of Turkish fascism against refugees, whom they have long targeted as the source of economic problems, but also used as cheap labor exploitation. The poor, toiling refugees who had to migrate at the end of the war in Syria with the joint efforts of imperialism and the Republic of Turkey were made the target of this policy of aggression, which aims to blunt the consciousness of the working people of Turkey and to deflect the class struggle of the working people.

Syrian immigrants and refugees are not the enemies of the working class and toilers. It is not at all responsible for the economic destruction experienced by the working people. The rulers, who wanted to sow enmity between the peoples, were targeting the Kurdish people, Alevis, Armenians and Greeks yesterday. Today, the target is Syrian refugees. We see that refugees, who have been attacked many times under various pretexts and justifications, have been subjected to intense exploitation as cheap labor, refugee women have been used as sexual objects, and especially fascist parties have shown them as enemies who are the cause and source of poverty, misery and various social problems. This policy of antagonism only harms the class struggle and our struggle for freedom. The united struggle of the workers, the fraternization of the peoples is the guarantee of our freedom and liberation. Policies based on turning the poor against the poor multiply the chains of slavery of Turkish workers and laborers, other than alienating them from their own interests.

The massacres carried out in Kurdistan, the massacres against the Alawites, the massacres against the revolutionary democratic forces were all for a common purpose, and what is being done today is no different. Fascism; It is based on pitting peoples against each other, unlimited aggression and wars. The Republic of Turkey is the main cause of the refugee problem with its wars of occupation in Kurdistan and Syria. With their support for jihadist gangs, they caused the destruction of refugeeshomes. They caused refugees to become unable to sustain their lives for both economic and social reasons. It is because of this reality that jihadists flee attacks and wars. Ignoring the fact that this policy, which is primarily pursued by Turkish fascism, is based on an annexationist and colonialist basis, and that the gains of the ruling class such as cheap labor, markets, etc. , is to cover up the facts. As a revolutionary union from Turkey and Kurdistan, we call on all workers and toilers to fight against racist-fascist policies on this basis. It is clear that if we do not stop these policies, we will be the target of these attacks again tomorrow.

Again, an important fact is that the claim ofresponding to sexual assault, which is presented as a pretext for the attacks, is not a policy that can be embraced by the fascist movement, which is one of the most intense perpetrators of rape and violence against women, which is heavily hostile to the struggle for womens liberation. Misogynistic policy is one of the main policies of the fascist movement. Fascists, who defend the male-dominated system, can at best be the cause and perpetrator of the abuse and victimization of women or children. Otherwise, it cannot be in a position to hold accountable.

We would like to call on the peoples of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan to achieve the liberation of the peoples in the struggle for a united revolution. The destruction of male-dominated fascism is the liberation of women. We must oppose policies that serve fascism and come together with all oppressed peoples on the basis of fraternization. The united struggle of the peoples requires taking an active stand against the massacres and attacks of the fascists. Breaking the political, ideological and military-practical activity of fascists and state forces is the guarantee of all forms of political activity and free life. Our peoples must organize against fascism on the way to liberation and the cause of freedom, and join the HBDH militia and guerrilla. We must expand armed preparations against all attacks and massacres. Neighborhoods, schools, workshops and factories and all living spaces of workers must be turned into centers for resistance against such attacks. We call on all peoples to be active and effective fighters of this struggle. HBDH forces are ready for action to fulfill the pioneering mission. This fight is the fight of all of us, freedom and liberation are the common goal of all of us.

HBDH Executive Committee July 5, 2024