PFLP & PFLP-GC Praise Gaza Tribes Stance Against Collaboration

Popular Front

The Popular Front praises the refusal of the tribes and families of the Gaza Strip to agree with the occupation’s plans to manage the Strip.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine praises the bold and patriotic stance shown by the Palestinian tribes and families in the Gaza Strip by refusing to agree with the occupation’s plans regarding the management of the Strip. Over the years of occupation, the Gaza Strip remained impenetrable, with all its components united against all attempts by the zionist occupation to attack its identity and sovereignty, refusing to deal with the occupation or participate in any zionist plans to manage the Strip.

This courageous stance reflects the depth of national awareness and the serious popular commitment to resist all attempts by the occupation aimed at creating a puppet civil administration in the Gaza Strip. It also confirms that the Palestinian tribes and families have never abandoned their national principles and values, but rather continued their struggle to preserve their identity and independence, ignoring all zionist attempts to impose a civil administration.

The Front reaffirms that the Palestinian people are the ones who will decide the future of the Gaza Strip, and any administration of the Gaza Strip must be national, formed by a purely national decision of its loyal people and with their consensus.

We emphasize that all attempts by the occupation to impose its vision in Gaza or bring in a puppet authority or administration will fail in the face of the resistance, will, and awareness of our Palestinian people, who will continue to struggle for their freedom, independence and dignity.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department

July 7, 2024

Popular Front – General Command

The Popular Front – General Command praises the authentic national stance of tribes and families and their rejection of collaboration with the occupation and its schemes.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command praises the honorable national stance of the Palestinian tribes and families in the Gaza Strip, rejecting any cooperation or collaboration with the “israeli” occupation and its schemes regarding the administration of the Gaza Strip.

The stance expressed by the tribes and families is an extension of a long history of resistance and opposition to all attempts by the occupation and its malicious plans. It is an authentic position that reflects the awareness and embrace of our people for the resistance, and a rejection of all forms of diversion from confronting the occupier, their treachery, and their malice.

We, in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command, while praising this genuine stance, assure the cowardly occupier that all its schemes regarding the administration of Gaza will fail, will not find a way to succeed, and will be broken by the steadfastness of our resistance and our people, as well as the awareness and defiance of our Palestinian tribes and families.

The revolution continues until the liberation of the land and the people.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command
Media Office – Palestine

July 6, 2024