The French Left Alliance Must Make Radical Changes in French Policy Towards Palestine: PFLP

– The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine has closely followed the significant victory of the French Left Alliance in the parliamentary elections, emphasizing that this is an important shift in France that could contribute to increasing pressure on the official French system to change its policies on various issues, foremost among them the Palestinian cause.

– The Left Alliance’s advance in the election results, securing 182 seats, brings with it many responsibilities and the significant task of making a radical change in France’s stance on the Palestinian cause. This includes pressing for an end to the ongoing zionist genocide in the Gaza Strip and halting all forms of French support for the zionist entity militarily, politically, and economically, as well as standing against the zionist lobby and right-wing zionist parties and their fascist and racist policies towards immigrants, especially Arabs in France.

– The pledge by La France Insoumise, one of the prominent parties within the alliance, to recognize the Palestinian state within weeks must not be a mere formal recognition or a reinforcement of the so-called two-state solution; it must align with international legitimacy resolutions that do justice to our people and guarantee their right to full sovereignty over their land and self-determination as a step towards establishing the Palestinian state on the entire national land with Al-Quds as its capital.

– The urgent task for the Left Alliance is to quickly press for the release of comrade Georges Abdullah, who has been detained in French prisons for nearly 40 years under French, American, and “israeli” decisions, despite a French court decision for his release in 1999.

– The path ahead for the Left Alliance to fulfill its promises to the French voters and all those aspiring for real change in France remains long. Achieving a real change in the official stance in favor of the Palestinian cause and against the zionist entity and the zionist lobby’s influence in France and its decision-making institutions will be a significant success for the alliance, contributing to widening the support around it.

– We seek a real breakthrough in the traditional official stance on the Palestinian cause and the establishment of a new, strong position in favor of the justice of our people’s cause, confronting the crimes of the occupation, and halting all forms of French support and bias towards the entity or any role aligned with American imperialism in the aggression against the region and the world’s peoples.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
July 10, 2024