Martyr Doğan Zinar Unit Carries Out 7 Aerial Actions in Memory of 14 July Resistance

The HPG Press Center shared the following information about the aerial actions carried out in Zap:

“Our Martyr Doğan Zinar Unit carried out effective and productive air strikes in memory of the 14 July Resistance in Amed Prison.

Between 3 and 11 July, the bases of the invading Turkish army in the Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region were targeted by aircraft. The invader bases in the Girê Amediyê Resistance Area were hit from the air twice, the bases in the Girê Bahar Resistance Area were hit from the air once, and the invaders in the Sergelê Resistance Area were hit from the air 4 times. In these actions, at least 5 invading Turkish soldiers were killed, 8 were injured, 2 Kirpi type armored vehicles were destroyed and the occupying bases suffered heavy casualties.”

The statement added: “The Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla has gained a significant level in terms of tactical depth, creativity, technological mastery with its continuous air actions. The occupying Turkish state has not disclosed any losses in order to hide the level that the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla has reached and the impact the losses will have. Turkey wants to hide the heavy blows it received from the air when and where it was least expected. As the Kurdistan Freedom Guerilla, we will continue to inform about the aerial actions carried out by our Martyr Doğan Zinar Union, along with images, to our patriotic people and the public in general, as we have done so far.”

The Media and Communication Centre of the People’s Defence Forces (HPG) released a statement providing information about the latest actions by the guerrillas and attacks by the Turkish army in the guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). According to the statement, guerrillas carried out nine actions against Turkish occupation troops in various regions of Medya Defense Zones from 12 to 14 July and at least four soldiers were killed.

According to the statement, seven of the actions by the guerrillas were carried out on the western front of the Zap region. Several attempted advances of Turkish troops, including in Girê Cûdî and Girê Bahar, were thwarted by the guerrillas who also targeted Turkish military technology, destroying a surveillance camera system. The guerrillas struck the positions of Turkish invaders and targeted Turkish war technology with heavy weapons in Girê Amêdîyê.

In the area of Golka in Metîna region, guerrillas hit and disabled a construction vehicle that was being used to expand the Turkish military infrastructure in the region. The guerrillas also struck the invaders in Kanî Biyê near Heftanîn, where a soldier was shot dead by a guerrilla sniper.

Regarding the attacks by the Turkish army, HPG reported at least 27 air strikes by warplanes from 12 to 14 July. The aerial bombardments were mainly directed against areas in Xakurke, Zap and Gare, but also targeted populated villages such as Mijê and Spîndarê were also hit. Further attacks were carried out by combat helicopters.

According to the statement, the guerrillas’ resistance areas in Serê Metîna, Golka, Şêlazê and Dergelê in Metîna as well as Girê Bahar in Zap and Girê Şekif in Xakurke were bombed.

On the other hand, the guerrillas’ tunnels in Girê Cûdî Resistance Area was bombed with banned explosives on Sunday.

In other news, speaking to RojNews about the escalated attacks of the occupying Turkish state in southern Kurdistan, Raid Fehmi, Secretary General of the Iraqi Communist Party, said that the Turkish state and some neighbouring countries are increasing their attacks against Iraq.

Raid Fahmi remarked that these attacks clearly violate Iraq’s sovereignty, noting that the invading Turkish army is building new bases and expanding in the Kurdistan Region.

Fehmi emphasised that the Iraqi government should take a stand and immediately stop all Turkish attacks.