From Trieste, Italy. On the Revolt in the Coroneo Prison

Once again the prison revolt is silenced with beatings, blood and death.

After March 2020 in which 14 people were brutally killed by the police following the revolt in the Modena prison, also in Trieste in the prison of Coroneo, on Thursday 12 July 2024, the revolt is suffocated with violence and ends in death. For the propaganda of the police headquarters there is the same script, assault on the infirmary and death by overdose.

Screams, flames and human demands are silenced in the dark of night behind those bars and walls where more than ever it is evident that some human beings are worth more than others, where class difference remains a prerogative, where the exploited are locked up – and to reaffirm what their role is in this capitalist society that squeezes and kills without any hesitation, which finances wars for its economic interests, which destroys woods and forests, seas and oceans, exterminating human and animal populations. Prisons, CPR and REMS become “banal” places of criminal and administrative confinement where to amass and lock up anyone who decides or is forced to live outside its logic or to fight to destroy it. Factories of a sub-humanity not only expelled from the common world, but mutilated and destroyed, abandoned and at the same time exposed as a tribute paid to the State. Yet, within the security discourse that thrives today, the State is far from having done away with the dangerous classes, with the indolent, uncontrollable plebs. This is confirmed by the 5 riots in Italian prisons that took place in the last week.

Even in Trieste the heat is suffocating (reaching 40 °) and wasp nests prevent you from opening the windows, bed bugs and rats are unbearable tenants and the rhythms and needs of daily life are imposed by those who exercise power: television, psychotropic drugs, air, sociality, conversations…

It is useless for the guarantor of the prisoners to try to lick our asses, claiming to be on their side and on our side, for the bishop to waste empty words of closeness or any of these false figures to fill their mouths with futile words of circumstance. They are all accomplices of this system, of its brutality and of the horror that is imprisonment. The question is not to know what to do with prison, how to improve it, to reform it, it is instead a question of how to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Our solidarity and closeness goes to those who have revolted and to those who will revolt until the bars and walls of all prisons are destroyed. Because the only solution to the problems of prisons is to eliminate them.

The bill has been presented to us, now it’s up to us to pay it.

For the struggle and for freedom.

Solidarity with all the prisoners in struggle.

Anarchici e Anarchiche de Trst

Il Rovescio