This is the Haitian People’s Chance to Break their Chains Again

After connivance in the brutal assassination of Haiti’s President Jovenel Moïse three years ago and then…

Hezbollah Launches New Hoopoe Operation

The Military Media of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah released on Wednesday aerial footage…

Palestinian Resistance Factions Comment on Netanyahu

Below we are reprinting Resistance statements on Netanhyahu’s speech to Congress today. Democratic Front for the…

A Glance into the Strategic Intelligence of Ansar Allah’s War Strategy

After 9 long months, Ansar Allah has proved itself as a force to be reckoned with.…

Lion’s Den: A Short Story

It is the 24th of July in 2022, past midnight. A zionist special force infiltrates Al-Yasmina…

HRE: 10 Invaders Were Killed in Mare and Azaz

The Afrin Liberation Forces (HRE) reported that at least 10 invaders were killed in two separate…

Guerrillas: We Will Not Give up Our Resistance Until we Live in a Free Kurdistan

The Turkish army is currently carrying out a massive attack on the guerrilla-held Medya Defence Zones…

Message of Support to Free Casey Goonan: Free Them All!

“Revolutionary Greetings. My name is Hybachi LeMar and I’m a member of the Black Autonomy Federation…

Let’s Get Francisco Out of Isolation: Campaign and Week of Agitation for Francisco Solar

The extreme isolation in which the gendarmerie keeps the anarchist comrade Francisco Solar, sentenced to 86…

Mapuche Political Prisoners Acquitted in Second Trial

During the afternoon of this Tuesday, July 23, the Los Ángeles Court acquitted the four weichafe…