Palestinian Resistance Factions Comment on Netanyahu

Below we are reprinting Resistance statements on Netanhyahu’s speech to Congress today.
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

Netanyahu Raises the Flag of Peace in the U.S. Congress Dipped in the Blood of Palestinian Children

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine stated that the fake flag of peace raised by the head of the fascist “israeli” government, Benjamin Netanyahu, in the U.S. Congress is the same flag that his child-killing army dipped in the blood of more than 140,000 martyrs and wounded across the occupied Palestinian lands, especially in the Gaza Strip, with more than 70% of them being women, children, the elderly, and the disabled.

The Democratic Front added that the party of lies, fabricated narratives, and bloody uproar witnessed in the U.S. Congress today, with Netanyahu’s presence, is a blatant indictment of all American claims about democracy, human rights, international legitimacy, international law, humanitarian law, peace, prosperity, and stability in the world.

In his speech today, the leader of “israeli” fascism, Netanyahu, confirmed that the genocide waged by his army in the Gaza Strip and across the occupied Palestinian territories is the true implementation of the brutal American colonial project in our region, with all the deep hatred it carries for our Palestinian people and their legitimate national rights to freedom, self-determination, independence, return, and safe living in a stable, independent, and prosperous homeland free from all forms of occupation, settlement, and killing by the “israeli” fascist army.

The Front emphasized that the reception Netanyahu received in the U.S. Congress, from both the Democratic and Republican wings, once again confirms the falsehood of the American peace project known as the two-state solution. It also confirms that betting on this project, or following it, will only lead our people to the abyss and drive their national future away from dignified life on their land.

The Democratic Front described the welcome Netanyahu received in the U.S. Congress as a massacre against international law, the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, and the United Nations, all slaughtered on the Congress platform in a step that once again confirms America’s intense hostility to peace in our region, which guarantees peoples’ freedom to determine their destiny, their wealth, and their future.

The Democratic Front concluded by calling on the political leadership of the Palestinian Authority and the Arab capitals that have relations with “israel” to draw lessons from the scene of Congress welcoming Netanyahu, reflecting undeniable truths about the nature of the “israeli” fascist project as a pliant tool for implementing the American imperialist colonial project in the region.

The Democratic Front also saluted the thousands of American people demonstrating in the Congress square in protest of the shameful reception of the “israeli” war criminal Netanyahu.

Central Media

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

War Criminal Netanyahu’s Speech is Marketing Lies and Selling Delusions

The Reception of War Criminal Netanyahu in Congress Confirms U.S. Involvement and Immersion in the Genocide War

– The speech by the zionist enemy’s Prime Minister, war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, before the U.S. Congress was an attempt to market lies and sell delusions, as he tried to justify the genocide crimes committed by his cowardly army in the Gaza Strip.

– The U.S. Congress’s reception of war criminal Netanyahu, who is primarily responsible for the zionist genocide in Gaza, confirms that America is the main sponsor of terrorism and the zionist genocide in Gaza, and is directly involved in unprecedented crimes against the Palestinian people.

– The invitation of war criminal Netanyahu by members of the U.S. Congress proves that this body is nothing more than a council for murderers and organized terrorism, serving as the godfather of the American colonial entity and legitimizing its crimes globally.

– The enthusiastic applause from the zionized Congress members was a farcical play and a scene embodying the degradation of American policies and their deep complicity with zionist terrorism.

– What was said in Netanyahu’s speech once again reflects the promotion of lies and distortion of facts. The Middle East, and indeed the whole world, faces the axis of zionist terrorism backed by the criminal American imperialism.

– Netanyahu’s lies about the number of casualties and massacres in Gaza being the lowest in any wars are blatant falsehoods; the occupation’s crimes in Gaza, as testified by all international organizations and institutions, are among the most horrific and brutal in human history.

– The boycott by a significant number of American legislators of Netanyahu’s speech signifies their awareness that he is a liar and an outcast seeking to exploit this address for personal interests.

– The war criminal’s attempt to invoke the Holocaust to justify their crimes is a transparent attempt to export a victim narrative and justify the war crimes committed by the zionist genocide regime against the Palestinian people.

– It is the zionist entity and America that should feel ashamed, not the protesters who stood for justice and condemned the zionist genocide.

– Netanyahu’s lies about an imminent victory are exposed by the significant losses his soldiers are suffering in the field at the hands of the heroic resistance fighters, proving that the resistance is present, strong, and its capabilities are increasing day by day.

– There is no “New Gaza” as Netanyahu deludes; Gaza will always remain an integral and inseparable part of Palestine, a thorn in the enemy’s throat, and a graveyard for them. Generations will continue on the same path, and the resistance’s weapons will remain ready and aimed at the enemy, and any hand that approaches it will be cut off.

– After the war, Gaza will be free of occupation, and our people will not allow any administration or puppet government to take responsibility for the Strip. The Palestinian people will determine the future of the Strip and how it is governed.

– The “Abraham Alliance” Netanyahu spoke of is an alliance of the axis of evil in the region, and it will not achieve its goals, whether through normalization or by allowing the zionist entity to infiltrate the region.

– All the free people of the world know that Palestine is the land of the Palestinian people, owned by them from the river to the sea, and that this false zionist entity is destined for demise, living through an existential crisis inaugurated by the epic of October 7, deepened by the valiant resistance and support fronts of the resistance factions.

– The established reality on the ground, the legendary steadfastness of our Palestinian people, the painful and qualitative strikes by the resistance, and the global rallying around the Palestinian cause confirm beyond any doubt that the inevitable and decisive victory for our people and the imminent defeat of the zionists is near.

Mujahideen Movement:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,

At a time when the criminal Netanyahu should be prosecuted and arrested, he is being celebrated in the U.S. Congress, allowing him to continue his crimes and lies from the American legislative platform in a session of shame. We appreciate the positions of those who rejected his visit and protested against the criminal Netanyahu’s speech.

The U.S. administration insists on continuing to violate international laws and encourages the genocidal criminals by welcoming the Nazi killer Netanyahu to deliver a speech full of lies and fabrications while continuing to supply the entity with weapons and provide international cover for it.

This criminal continues to attack all the free people in the world who rejected his crimes, accusing them of fabrications while being armed with the cover provided by the U.S. administration.

The criminal Netanyahu will not succeed with this arrogant and lie-filled speech in covering up his heinous crimes against our people who have stood firm despite zionist terrorism and Nazism.

The future after the war in Gaza will only be Palestinian and national, and what Netanyahu repeats is an attempt to escape his failure in the face of the steadfastness and resilience of the brave resistance of our people.

Palestinian Mujahideen Movement
Media Office
Wednesday, 18th of Muharram, 1446 Hijri
Corresponding to July 24, 2024

Palestinian Islamic Jihad:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Commenting on Netanyahu’s speech, Abu Shaheen: “A speech to incite war and evidence of failure!”

Sheikh Ali Abu Shaheen, a member of the political bureau of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, saw that the speech of the Prime Minister of the entity, Benjamin Netanyahu, before the US Congress aimed to garner sympathy from Washington after losing international support.

In a statement, Abu Shaheen emphasized that Netanyahu “seeks to ignite the region and drag the United States into war.” He added, “It is clear that Netanyahu does not want to stop the genocide against our people in the Gaza Strip,” noting that “Netanyahu’s request to expedite American military support for ‘israel’ is a blatant admission of failure.”

Abu Shaheen stressed that “Netanyahu’s talk about the future of the Gaza Strip confirms his desire to perpetuate the occupation,” affirming that “the day after the war in Gaza is a Palestinian matter and that Netanyahu’s plans will fail” in the face of the steadfastness and resistance of the Palestinian people.

Abu Shaheen warned against Netanyahu’s incitement against international organizations and global public opinion opposing the war.

Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine
Wednesday, 18th Muharram 1446 AH, 24 July 2024 AD

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

We in the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, have followed the speech of the “israeli” terrorism government’s Prime Minister Netanyahu before Congress. Accordingly, we affirm the following:

First: Netanyahu should have been arrested as a war criminal and handed over to the International Criminal Court instead of being given the opportunity to polish his image before the world and cover up the mass killings and ethnic cleansing in the Gaza Strip.

Second: While the head of the terrorist occupation government leads a brutal war aimed at exterminating our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, violating all international laws, norms, and humanitarian treaties designed to protect civilians, in an unprecedent manner in modern history, the U.S. Congress welcomes a speech from war criminal Netanyahu, where he repeats the same degrading propaganda and lies he made over nine months ago, which have been proven false and were used as a pretext to commit the most heinous crimes against women, children, and the elderly in the Gaza Strip.

Third: Netanyahu tried to play on emotional strings, reverse facts, and promote false narratives about October 7, while “israeli” and international investigations confirmed these allegations were false and that the “israeli” army committed mass murders of Israeli civilians in the Gaza envelope.

Fourth: Netanyahu’s speech reflects the depth of his military, security, and international crisis, as he tried to publicly cover it with the philosophy of defeats suffered by his army in Gaza, promoting imaginary victories by liberating a number of captives, forgetting the horrific massacres he committed against civilians in Rafah and Nusseirat during their liberation.

Fifth: Netanyahu’s talk about intensive efforts to return the hostages is nothing but lies and deception of “israeli,” American, and global public opinion, while he was the one who thwarted all efforts to end the war and make a deal to release the captives, despite the continuous efforts of mediators from Egypt and Qatar, and despite the flexibility and positivity shown by the [Hamas] movement, which holds him fully responsible for the consequences of this stance and the fate of the prisoners in the Gaza Strip.

Sixth: All human rights and humanitarian reports have confirmed that Netanyahu and his army committed acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, unprecedented in contemporary global wars, using starvation as a weapon, preventing aid from reaching, burning and destroying the Rafah land crossing, and killing many humanitarian workers, all of which confirm the falsity of his claims about aid entering the Strip’s residents.

Seventh: By continuing to provide all means of political and military support to the occupation, granting the government of zionist terrorists the necessary cover to escape punishment, and providing it with a platform in Congress to wash the hands of fascist war criminals from the blood of innocent children, instead of holding them accountable for their crimes against humanity, Washington affirms its full partnership in the heinous violations committed in the Gaza Strip, from genocide, starvation, and destruction of all aspects of life, witnessed by the world with sound and image.

Eighth: We in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) affirm that the war criminal Netanyahu’s visions for the future of the Gaza Strip are mere delusions and fantasies he is trying to market. The Palestinian people alone have the right to determine their fate and decide who governs them. They have decided to rally around the option of resistance and confront the occupation wherever it exists until it is swept away from our pure land and our independent Palestinian state is established with Al-Quds as its capital.

Ninth: Netanyahu’s attack on the Axis of Resistance reflects the depth of his military and security crisis due to the open fronts, which calls for more efforts from all arenas and fronts to inflict defeats on the criminal zionist entity.

We call on the United Nations, the Arab League, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to declare their stance rejecting the occupation and work to end it by all means, supporting the steadfastness of our Palestinian people and their resistance until our people can exercise their right of return and self-determination under international law, which the Nazi zionist occupation violates.

Our patient and stationed Palestinian people and their heroic valiant resistance, who are facing a brutal war that represents the peak of the occupation’s failed attempts to eradicate them—which has been ongoing for more than 76 years—will continue, along with all forces of resistance and free people of the world, to confront this fascist aggression until it is broken and defeated from our land and sanctities.

Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas
Wednesday, 18 Muharram 1446 AH
Corresponding to July 24, 2024 CE