Palestinian Resistance Continues Attacks Against Occupation Forces in Gaza

For the 297th day, the Palestinian Resistance was fiercely confronting occupation forces on all fronts, especially in Tal al-Hawa and Khan Younis in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

Confrontations between the Resistance and the occupation forces were raging in the eastern neighborhoods of Khan Younis, coinciding with intensified fighting in the Saudi neighborhood and Tel al-Sultan, as well as some eastern areas such as al-Salam and al-Tannour neighborhoods.

Additionally, the Palestinian Resistance was engaged in violent confrontations with the occupation forces in the western areas of Rafah city in the southern part of the Strip, particularly in the Yibna and al-Shabora camps.

In turn, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades announced that they had downed two drones, one of the Quadcopter type and the other of the Skylark type, during their intelligence missions in the skies over northern Gaza.

Fighters from the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades also managed to shell gatherings of occupation vehicles with mortar shells on the eastern advance axis of Khan Younis city in the southern part of the Strip.

They also bombarded occupation troops and their vehicles on the northeastern advance axis of the city with a barrage of heavy mortar shells.

The brigades published footage of their heavy mortar shelling of the occupation soldiers and their vehicles on the northeastern advance axis of Khan Yunis city.

The Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, in conjunction with the Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades, shelled the occupations command and control site on the Netzarim axis with heavy mortar shells, and the Al-Nasser Brigades displayed footage of this targeting.

Moreover, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, announced that they had targeted the occupation’s command rooms on the Netzarim axis, south of Gaza City in the northern part of the Strip, with short-range  Rajum missile system. They also bombarded occupation forces around the al-Zilal Mosque, east of Khan Younis city in the southern part of the Strip, with mortar shells.

The al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of Islamic Jihad, targeted the occupation’s operations command headquarters in the al-Zanna area, east of Khan Younis in the southern part of the Strip, and a gathering of occupation vehicles and soldiers northeast of Khan Younis with a barrage of mortar shells. They also shelled occupation forces on the Tel al-Hawa fighting front in the southwest of Gaza City in the northern part of the Strip.

They even managed to snipe an occupation soldier on the Tel al-Hawa axis in the southwest of Gaza City.

Later it was reported that al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades took control of an occupation drone of the Evo Max type while it was on an intelligence mission in the skies over eastern Gaza.

The Resistance managed to snipe and directly hit an occupation soldier in the vicinity of the Barcelona area in Tel al-Hawa, southwest of Gaza City in the northern part of the Strip. They also targeted an occupation force entrenched in a house in Tel al-Hawa with an anti-fortification TBG missile, causing casualties among its members.

The brigades targeted occupation forces’ gatherings on the supply line in the Netzarim axis, south of Gaza City, with a volley of 107mm rocket artillery shells.

In this context, the al-Mujahideen Brigades, the military wing of the al-Mujahideen Movement, targeted occupation forces stationed on the Netzarim axis, south of Gaza City, with two Haseb 111 missiles.

Hezbollah destroys installations in occupation sites, targets troops, tank

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah conducted a series of operations on Monday, responding to several Zionist aggressions on Lebanon and reaffirming the Resistance’s support to Palestinians in Gaza.

The initial operation launched on Monday saw Hezbollah fighters launch a barrage of Grad-type rockets at the al-Baghdadi military site, to the southwest of Kiryat Shmona. The rocket attack came in response to a strike on Chaqra in South Lebanon.

Later on Monday afternoon, the Resistance launched two operations in a window of five minutes, the first of which attacked a position of occupation soldiers at the al-Raheb military site. Hezbollah fighters used anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) to conduct the operations at 3:15 pm (local time). The Resistance said that the operation also came in response to the aggression on Chaqra.

Five minutes later, Hezbollah fired unspecified weapons at the al-Malikiyah military site, targeting a spyware system that was recently installed on the site, dealing a direct hit to the intended target.

Hezbollah fighters also destroyed recently set-up hardware on the al-Karantina Hill, completely destroying it.

Notably, Hezbollah fighters also ambushed a Merkava tank on Monday, after monitoring the movements of Israeli forces at the al-Raheb military site.

The ambush was executed at 4:30 pm, in which Hezbollah fighters fired an ATGM at the Merkava tank as soon as it arrived at the ambush point. The Resistance confirmed that the ATGM directly impacted the tank.

Hezbollah fighters then launched three consecutive operations, in the context of the party’s response to attacks on the town of Chaqra. At 5:30 pm, the Resistance destroyed several pieces of spyware and fortification installed in the al-Aabad military site.

A few minutes later, the Resistance destroyed the spyware on the Hadab Yarine military site.

At 6:30, the Resistance launched an attack on a grouping of occupation forces in the vicinity of the al-Raheb military site, dealing a direct hit to the intended targets.

Iraqi Resistance renews struggle against US occupation

An Iraqi government source revealed to Al-Akhbar that Iraqi president Al-Sudani requested that Iran put pressure on the Iraqi resistance factions to avoid targeting American forces in the country.

This comes in light of an apparent return to operations, with five operations in two weeks targeting the American Ain Al-Assad base and Conoco oil field base in Iraq and Syria after a several month pause in operations. While the Iraqi resistance has not claimed these operations, they have not denied them either. The pause was taken to allow room to negotiate US withdrawal from Iraq.

The source added that a resistance faction told the government that they will not give Sudani’s government a new chance to negotiate American withdrawal from Iraq, as the deadline to sort out a definitive plan for this has long passed.

Sudani’s pressure is mainly on Kataeb Hezbollah and the Nujaba Movement, aiming not to “drag Iraq into the escalation witnessed in the region,” compounded by American pressure to protect US Interests in the country.

Two leaders in the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, who promised an increase in operations, affirmed that the factions will reject any new truce with the Americans and stated that “the decision to escalate and target American based is purely an Iraqi decision with no relation or intervention from Iran.”

They added that the resistance operates with a hit-and-run strategy when targeting enemy bases, without claiming responsibility to maintain ambiguity about the faction executing the operation.