HBDH Newal Mêrdîn Militia; “We Set Fire to the Construction Warehouse in Avcılar, Istanbul!”

On July 23, the warehouse where construction materials were kept and the area where iron casting materials were located in Istanbul/Avcılar/Tahtakale Mah were set on fire by the HBDH Newal Merdin Militia. As a result of this action, which was carried out in memory of our comrades who were martyred by fighting on the fedayeen line against the ongoing occupation operations in Bashur, the warehouse was completely destroyed and the fire damaged the surrounding businesses.

The AKP-MHP fascism and its local collaborator, the KDP, have accelerated their siege and occupation attempts on the Bashur line. Erdoğan and the fascist bloc, who pay the bill of the dirty war they are waging to the workers of Turkey and Kurdistan, have accelerated the wheels of exploitation and are stealing the sweat of the working people through the bosses.

Fascism, which wants to achieve results with the chemical and prohibited weapons it uses in the dirty war it finances with exploitation, cannot get the results it wants in the face of the resistance of the freedom guerrillas. The blows it received in the mountains, the actions of the Unity Revolution militia in the cities and the economic crisis it was in have plunged the AKP and its supporters into an irreversible collapse.

Fascism, which is waging the war in the dirtiest way in Bashur, does not want a resistance in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan that will stand against the dirty war. Fascism, which does not tolerate even the halays drawn in Kurdish, is trying to intimidate the Kurdish people and revolutionaries in the first place. He detained young people who were dancing halay in Kurdish, made them listen to racist songs and carried out propaganda with his partisan press.

It is our call to the youth; Join the ranks of HBDH to overthrow the racist-fascist order! Hold fascism and its supporting institutions and individuals accountable!

We, as soldiers of the United Revolution, warn that all institutions and individuals who finance the dirty war are our targets! You will not escape the justice of the people! We will hold all our immortalized comrades accountable!

Long live our United Revolution!

We will destroy fascism, we will win freedom!