Zionist Aggression Targets Residential Building in Beirut Southern Suburb

At least one civilian, a woman, was killed and sixty-eight others were wounded in a Zionist aggression on Haret Hreik, in the Southern Suburb of Beirut, the Lebanese Health Ministry reported.

Among the injured, five are in critical condition, while the rest of the injuries range between moderate and minor, the Ministry added.

The strike targeted a residential building in the Southern Suburb of Beirut on Tuesday evening, destroying a substantial section of the structure.

The strike comes after continuous threats by occupation officials of a substantial aggression on Lebanon, since Saturday.

The strike targeted a residential building in Haret Hreik, resulting in the collapse of a substantial section of the structure.

The Zionist regime has been threatening a strike against Lebanon after falsely accusing the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah of launching an attack on the Israeli-occupied Syrian town of Majdal Shams.

Following the strike, the United Nations said the United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) leadership and the UN coordinator are conducting talks to prevent a war between Hezbollah and the occupying regime.

Zionist regimes claims it targets Hezbollah commander, fears of retaliation rise

The occupation forces spokesperson said the military targeted a commander responsible for the alleged Majdal Shams strike. He added that there is “no change in the directives of the Home Front Command,” which are a set of directives issued to settlers in times of war.

Zionist media outlets also said that the military’s command declared a state of alert, instructing settlers in settlements near the Lebanese-Palestinian border to remain in shelters.

Furthermore, ongoing preparation and a heightened state of alert in the Zionist anti-air systems were recorded, amid the possibility of a response from Hezbollah,  media outlets reported.

Rare strike on Southern Suburb of Beirut to be met with harsh response

Strikes on the Southern Suburb of Beirut have been largely avoided by Zionist authorities, due to the deterrence equation imposed by the Resistance and its repeated warnings and threats against such an escalation.

The last time a Zionist  strike targeted the Suburb was on January 2, 2024, which killed the top Hamas official in Lebanon, martyr Saleh al-Arouri, and others.

Hezbollah responded to the aggression with wide-ranging strikes on military targets, attacking the Meron Air Traffic Control Base for the first time.

Resistance factions issue statements

Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The Democratic Front condemns the criminal “israeli” strike on the southern suburb of the capital of Beirut.

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine strongly condemned the criminal “israeli” raid that targeted the civilian neighborhoods in the southern suburb (Dahiye) of the Lebanese capital, Beirut.

The Democratic Front stated that the “israeli” aggressive act, which targeted the civilian neighborhoods in the southern suburb, is a blatant war crime as it targeted peaceful civilians under Lebanon’s sovereignty and the protection of its legitimate government.

The Democratic Front affirmed its support for the Lebanese people, its government, and its heroic resistance led by Hezbollah in confronting the brutal “israeli” aggression, asserting in the same context the legitimate right of Lebanon and its resistance, especially Hezbollah, to defend themselves, the Lebanese people, their land, and their sovereignty.

The Democratic Front emphasized at the end of its statement that the crimes committed by the “israeli” fascist government in Lebanon are politically inseparable from the genocidal crimes it commits in the Gaza Strip and rest of the West Bank.

Central Media

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The enemy’s bombing of Beirut is part of its crimes that can only be deterred by resistance.

– The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confirms that the zionist enemy, by targeting civilians in the southern suburb (Dahiye) of Beirut, has committed a new war crime that represents the true face of this entity, which systematically targets civilians. The Front calls for rallying around the resistance, as it is the only way to deter this criminal enemy.

– We express our deep and profound solidarity with our brothers in Lebanon over the martyrdom of civilians due to this cowardly bombing, wishing the wounded a speedy recovery.

– This cowardly bombing is a dangerous zionist escalation that pushes the confrontation with the entity to a new phase during which the Islamic resistance in Lebanon, along with the resistance fronts in all arenas, will respond painfully and forcefully to this crime, deep within the zionist territory.

– The Front emphasized its full confidence in the insight and courage of the resistance leadership in Lebanon and the brothers in Hezbollah, which has enabled them to confront and defeat the enemy at every turn, and to support Palestine and its oppressed people with bravery and capability.

– This targeting of Dahiye was carried out in full cooperation and coordination with the American administration and the western system allied with the entity, especially as American statements confirm their prior knowledge of this bombing.

– This heinous crime will only increase the determination of the Islamic resistance, especially Hezbollah, to confront and respond, and the zionist enemy will deeply regret committing this crime against civilians in Dahiye.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
July 30, 2024

Fatah Al-Intifada:

What happened this evening in the targeting of Haret Hreik in the southern suburb, is considered a crime added to the criminal record that the zionist entity has continued since its inception.

To this day, the enemy that targets civilians in Beirut, Gaza, and Yemen is an enemy that does not recognize any human or moral value.

For this reason, we say that resistance is the response which they understand, and nothing else.

We in the Fatah Al-Intifada Movement denounce this cowardly operation, and stress that the Axis of Resistance is the party that will teach the zionist enemy a lesson that it will not forget, like what happened on October 7th in the Gaza Strip, this will be repeated in the Axis countries that will not forget the crimes of this despicable enemy.

We in the Fatah Al-Intifada Movement stand with Hezbollah and its Secretary-General, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, who stood with the Palestinian resistance on the day following the glorious battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, which proved that the will and determination possessed by the Palestinian resistance are equal to, and even superior to, all the weapons possessed by the Zionist enemy.

Condolences to the brothers in Hezbollah for the martyrs who ascended to great heights and to their families, and prayers for the wounded for a speedy recovery.

It is a revolution until victory.

Fatah Al-Intifada Movement

 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command:

The zionist aggression on the southern suburb will backfire on the zionist entity and increase its existential predicament.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command believes that the zionist aggression on the southern suburb is nothing but a miserable attempt that expresses the blunders and confusion of the enemy leadership, which is searching for an image of victory after its resounding defeat in Gaza since October 7th and during the course of the Al-Aqsa Flood Battle.

The genocide war and the Nazi-zionist massacres committed against our people is the only achievement of the machine of hatred and revenge driven by the fascist zionist mind. In this context comes the zionist raid in the heart of the southern suburb, which led to the martyrdom and wounding of a number of civilians, which will inevitably turn to the slaughter of the zionist entity where it is not expected.

The developments of the historic Al-Aqsa Flood Battle and its escalating events, which have become the Axis of Resistance controlling its paths, will determine the future and map of logic, based on the victory achieved and its realistic effects on the inevitable end and demise of the zionist entity.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command


We strongly condemn the brutal zionist aggression against Lebanon and the brotherly Lebanese people, which targeted a Hezbollah headquarters in the southern suburb of Beirut, and resulted in the martyrdom and injury of a number of innocent citizens. We consider it a dangerous escalation for which the Nazi zionist occupation bears full responsibility.

We declare our full solidarity with our brotherly Lebanon and our brothers in Hezbollah, and we affirm that the arrogance of the occupation and its attempt to restore its lost prestige and deterrence by committing more crimes in Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen and the Middle East will be nothing but an ill-considered adventure, for which the occupation will pay a heavy price, as the time in which the occupation runs rampant in our countries and our Arab region has ended.

In the face of this brutal aggression against Lebanon, we hold the US administration responsible for the crimes and ongoing violations of the occupation, through its continued open political and military support, which has tempted the occupation and the neo-Nazis to commit more foolishness and crimes that threaten peace and security throughout the Middle East.

We call on all the forces, components, and parties of the nation to unite and show solidarity with Lebanon, the brotherly Lebanese people and its valiant resistance that came out in defense of our oppressed Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. We also call on the international community and the United Nations to assume their legal and political responsibilities in stopping the genocide and ethnic cleansing against our people, and stopping the zionist aggression against Lebanon and the Lebanese people on the path to ending the occupation of Palestine and our occupied Arab lands.

Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas
Tuesday: 24 Muharram 1446 AH
Corresponding to: July 30, 2024 AD