KBDH Sevda Serinyel Militia; “We Set Fire to the Yacht Shipyard in Tuzla With a Sabotage Technique!”

KBDH Sevda Serinyel Militia was in action in Istanbul/Tuzla. On July 29, at 09:00 in the morning, the yacht shipyard in the vicinity of Istanbul/Tuzla Shipyard was targeted by sabotage. As a result of our action, the shipyard was engulfed in flames, many luxury yachts were destroyed, and the shipyard suffered millions of pounds in losses.

As a result of imperialist partitions, the lands and peoples of Kurdistan, which were divided into four parts, have been under oppression and exploitation for years. Especially in Bakur Kurdistan, the assimilation and oppression policies applied by the AKP-MHP fascism to Kurdistan and the Kurdish people have intensified even more in todays period.

The AKP-MHP fascism, which does not give any rights to the Kurdish people, has even banned Kurdish halays and is trying to suppress those who perform Kurdish halay with arrests. Fascism has committed all its war crimes in the field of Kurdistan and has tried to win victory over the freedom guerrillas, but it has failed. Erdoğan and the fascist bloc, which could not win victory in the face of the resistance of the freedom guerrillas, do not want any force standing against them. Fascism, which does not want to see women on the streets, resistances and dynamic battlefields, attacks womens gains and attacks the Rojava Revolution, which is the revolution of women. Just as womens resistance movements were a fear for ISIS in the past, they are a fear for AKP-MHP fascism and its supporters today.

Fascism extracts the cost of its dirty war from the workers. The AKP-MHP fascism and its bosses, who implement exploitation in the most ruthless way, enrich their own wealth while impoverishing the people with taxes.

It is our call to all women; Organize in the ranks of the KBDH to overthrow this male-dominated system! Hold fascism accountable!

Long live KBDH!

Jin, Jiyan Azadi!