Declaration of Strike at Prison of Spini di Gardolo in Italy

“To the Ministry of Justice
To the Surveillance Magistrate of Trento

The imprisoned population of the prison of Trento, due to an undignified standard of living, the inefficiency of services, inhuman overcrowding, the rigidity of surveillance, proposes a peaceful protest to the bitter end that will include a strike of the ministerial food trolley and beating in the hours 12.00-12.30 and 21.00-22.00.
This protest is aimed at finding a common ground with the institutions: we ask for a more decent lifestyle and the willingness of the surveillance to grant benefits to those who meet the requirements quickly.


This text was signed by a large number of prisoners of the Trentino prison of Spini di Gardolo.
The protest, with noisy beatings and the trolley strike (i.e. the refusal of food provided by the prison) involved several sections and lasted until August 5.
On one of these evenings, a group of supporters went under the walls to support the protest and talk to the prisoners.

The reasons for the protest are the same as in other Italian prisons where there have recently been protests and riots: Trieste, Sanremo, Turin, Alessandria, Genoa, Bolzano…
Revolts repressed with tear gas and batons (as well as with expulsion orders to solidarity supporters): in Trieste a prisoner died, officially of an “overdose” (like the 9 deaths during the Modena uprising in 2020…).

In the meantime, with Bill 1660 still under discussion, they would like to establish the crime of prison revolt for simple disobedience to orders and equate passive resistance with active resistance, as well as putting those who protest inside and those who bring solidarity outside on the same level.

The climate of war means that the State wants to steamroll over the struggles, inside and outside the prisons.
For this reason, it is even more necessary to bring out the voice of the prisoners and bring in the warmth and concreteness of our solidarity.

Against the Security Package!
Alongside the prisoners in struggle!

Il Rovescio