PFLP Deputy Secretary-General Jamil Mezher Comments on Assassination Policy

The policy of assassinations is a failed attempt to achieve a false victory, and the assassination of leaders has deepened the fervor of the resistance, which has become more vigorous.

The selection of Sinwar as head of the political bureau was a primary response to the enemy and affirmed that Hamas’s choice is resistance and that the decision belongs to the field.

Brother Sinwar’s leadership of Hamas will give the movement new momentum because he is capable of creating national unity and enhancing partnership.

The American stance represents continued deception and misleading, and Biden is the one leading the war against the Palestinian people.

The one who does not want an agreement and obstructs reaching it is the occupation government.

Washington is capable of stopping the aggression but continues the deception.

The resistance has shown great flexibility to reach an agreement, but Netanyahu has obstructed it by introducing new conditions.

Mediators must come with a public approval from Netanyahu’s government expressing readiness to implement the agreement.

Our people are steadfast, and the resistance manages the battle with full competence but cannot surrender to the enemy.

There is nothing new regarding communications through the Egyptian and Qatari mediators, and Netanyahu is promoting negotiations to gain time to continue his aggression.

The United States does not want to stop the war, and there are no serious disagreements between it and the occupation; they are united in the aim to eliminate the resistance.

We extend greetings to the support fronts in Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, and to Iran, which stand by the resistance forces.

Hezbollah in Lebanon is fighting a real war with the enemy and is preparing to respond to the assassination of the martyred commander Fuad Shukr.

It is clear that Netanyahu is trying to entangle the United States and the West in a regional war to cover up his failures and ensure his continued rule.

This war has revealed the enemy’s weakness and shown that it is frail and cannot endure without U.S. support.

Bringing fleets to the region does not mean the United States is interested in launching a regional war but is to defend “israel.”

We met in Iraq and Iran with all the parties of the Axis of Resistance, and there was confirmation of continued support for the resistance in Gaza.

The Beijing Agreement is an advanced step in restoring Palestinian national unity, but the key remains in its implementation.

Procrastination in implementing the Beijing Agreement is unacceptable, especially given the attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause and the genocide in Gaza.

The dangers facing our people should be a motivation for national unity and standing against the enemy’s schemes.

We met with brothers in Fatah, Hamas, Jihad, and all factions and presented steps to implement the Beijing Agreement, but procrastination still exists.

It is no longer possible to rely on the United States, which supports the occupation in all its criminal actions.

Washington cannot offer anything to the Palestinian Authority, and betting on it must cease.

The West Bank is boiling, and we are facing serious and effective resistance that is growing stronger in confronting zionist crimes.