Banners Hung in Solidarity with Anarchist Comrade Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis

The anarchist Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis has been held captive in Domokos prison since August ’21 for his participation in the revolutionary struggle through the political processes of the Revolutionary Self-Defense Organization. On 21/6 he began a hunger strike on the occasion of an incident of cannibalistic violence and attempted domination by another prisoner inside the ward, after which the management brought disciplinary proceedings against the comrade and ordered him to be removed from the cell. The comrade does not accept it and, armed with the hunger strike, demands not to change cells and for the service to stop using thugs as a tool of repression. This battle was won. On 4/7, on the 14th day of strike, with the intervention of a prosecutor who met the hunger striker in prison, his request was granted and the comrade returned to his cell. “Since the main line of battle is the striker’s body, his strength against the class-political enemy and his influence on the social movement depend on the striker’s determination to fight to the end.”

We are on guard to defend the comrade against the state manipulations mediated by the respective prison management. To defend the victory of the struggle he gave for all prisoners against the cannibal structure of power.



Solidarity, Solidarity

From: Athens Indymedia