(Chile) Anarchist Comrade Luciano Pitronello, “Tortuga”, Has Passed Away

We are making it known that a few hours ago (11/08/2024) the anarchist comrade Luciano Pitronello “Tortuga” died, due to the seriousness of the injuries caused by an electrocution accident while he was working on the afternoon of Friday, August 9th 2024.

Comrade Tortuga participated and contributed actively in different anarchist/anti-authoritarian projects, where he always positioned himself in open confrontation with the world of power. In June 2011, a homemade device that he intended to install in a bank in the centre of Santiago exploded in his hands, causing him serious physical injuries. During the judicial process against him, he refused to give away the other comrade who was with him on a motorbike the night of the failed attack.

“The important thing is to never lose the fighting spirit, never, no matter how terrible things look, but as long as your mind and heart don’t betray you, the rest becomes almost a detail, our bodies can falter, it’s true, but what makes us great has nothing to do with flesh and bones, What makes us giants are our convictions, our spirit of knowing that we are doing the right thing.”

The abyss does not stop us.

A statement a year after the bombing that almost cost me my life.

Bon voyage Luciano, you will live forever in the conflict, in the knife and the word.

via: informativoanarquista.

Translation: Act for Freedom Now!