Hamas, Popular Resistance Committees, Mujahideen, and Ahrar Movements Release Collective Statement

The undersigned Palestinian factions held a significant national meeting in the Gaza Strip to discuss political and national developments on the Palestinian scene and the latest field updates in light of the blessed Al-Aqsa Flood battle, as well as the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people for over 313 days targeting the Palestinian people and their national identity. The occupation’s plans continue to seek the displacement of the Palestinian people through ongoing Nazi terrorist aggression on the Gaza Strip, the Judaization of Al-Quds, and the religious, geographical, spatial, and temporal control of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which yesterday witnessed the largest incursion by extremist settler mobs, accompanied by leaders of terrorism from the Nazi occupation government ministers.

Additionally, the occupation continues to expand settlements in the occupied West Bank, practice racial discrimination against our people in the occupied interior, and perpetuate fascist torture against our brothers in captivity. The occupation also continues to kill Palestinian civilians and assassinate leaders of the Palestinian resistance, the latest being the assassination in Iran of the prominent national leader, the martyr Ismail Haniyeh “Abu Al-Abd,” the head of Hamas’ political bureau, confirming the occupation’s terrorism against the entire Palestinian people.

– We salute our steadfast and patient Palestinian people in Gaza and all places of our people’s presence, we offer prayers for our martyrs, and we salute our valiant wounded and free prisoners in the occupation’s prisons.

– We extend our salutes to our valiant resistance, which has, with the launch of the blessed Al-Aqsa Flood battle, created a strategic shift in the struggle with the zionist occupation, foiling its plans, breaking its power, and permanently toppling the national security theory into the abyss. We affirm that the resistance across all fronts continues and is still capable, by Allah’s grace, of delivering strikes against the occupation in response to its aggression and terrorism.

– The Palestinian factions congratulate the brothers in the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas for their swift completion of their consultative process to select the head of their political bureau, and we bless the appointment of the fighter leader Yahya Sinwar “Abu Ibrahim” as the head of the movement’s political bureau, succeeding the martyred national leader Ismail Haniyeh “Abu Al-Abd.” This underscores the strength and vitality of Hamas and its institutions, confirming that no power on earth can uproot or break the resistance. The assassination of resistance leaders only strengthens the resistance and its ongoing path toward liberation.

– We affirm our steadfast position on negotiations, as declared by the resistance leadership, emphasizing the need to discuss mechanisms for implementing the agreed framework papers presented by mediators. These mechanisms should ensure a complete cessation of aggression, full withdrawal of the occupation, lifting of the siege, opening of crossings, reconstruction, and the achievement of a serious prisoner exchange deal.

– What is referred to as the “day after the war” is purely a Palestinian national affair, to be discussed solely within the framework of the entire Palestinian national body. All attempts by the occupation, the American administration, and their allies to create alternative wills have been shattered by the steadfastness  of our people and the bravery of our resistance. Any attempts by any party to act as a pliable tool in the hands of the occupation, or as an alternative to the will of the Palestinian people, will be treated as an enemy of the zionists.

– We emphasize the necessity of reforming the Palestinian political system and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to include all national components, so that it can achieve our people’s aspirations for freedom and a Palestinian state with Al-Quds as its capital.

– We call on the masses of our people, our Arab and Islamic nation, and the free people of the world to urgently and immediately mobilize as peoples, unions, and movements in public squares, capitals, and cities to stop the genocide against Gaza and Palestine, and to protect Al-Quds and the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the terrorism of the occupation and its settler mobs.

– We bless the heroic operations in the West Bank, Al-Quds, and inside the occupied territories, and we call on the resistance in the West Bank, Al-Quds, and inside the occupied territories to escalate their comprehensive resistance and carry out qualitative operations to make the occupation pay the price for its crimes and terrorism across all Palestinian lands. We call on our people to protect the back of the resistance and embrace the heroic fighters in all cities and camps, protecting them from persecution.

Victory is the ally of our people and our resistance, mercy to our righteous martyrs, healing to our valiant wounded, freedom to our free prisoners, and greetings to our heroic fighters.

– Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas
– Resistance Committees in Palestine
– Palestinian Mujahideen Movement
– Palestinian Ahrar Movement

Wednesday, 10th of Safar 1446 AH
Corresponding to 14th of August 2024