Palestinian Resistance Factions Commemorate 2006 Hezbollah Victory Against Zionist Regime

Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

On the Anniversary of the August 14 Victory: It Established New Equations that Continue to Yield Resistance Victories.
On the eighteenth anniversary of the historic victory over the brutal “israeli” aggression launched by the zionist occupation forces against Lebanon in July 2006, which thwarted the Greater Middle East project and established new equations that continue to bring about resistance victories, while the occupation continues to fail in achieving any of its goals despite committing horrific massacres against civilians and destroying infrastructure and residential buildings:
This anniversary coincides today with the ongoing genocide that has continued for over ten months, repeating the scenes of steadfastness and victory, and highlighting the occupation leaders’ inability to learn from experiences and history, as their army, which tops the list of shame and defeats, drags from one failure to another. This reaffirms the unity and capability of the resistance as the people’s decisive choice in facing projects of annexation, resolution, and the erasure and liquidation of the existential identity of the Palestinian people and their rights.
It also reaffirms the steadfast stance against any American-“israeli” maneuvers that do not include halting the aggression, withdrawing the occupation army from the Gaza Strip, ending the siege, opening all crossings to allow the entry of health and food supplies, and completing a prisoner exchange deal that ensures the liberation of all detainees from zionist prisons and detention centers.
On this anniversary, we extend our sincerest greetings of struggle to the Lebanese support front led by Hezbollah and its martyrs, to the steadfast south in the face of the aggressive war machine, and to all the fronts of support, engagement, and combat in Syria, Yemen, and Iraq. We see in this support a renewed affirmation of the unity of Arab liberation movements in the field, in confronting the “israeli” occupation and the Atlantic alliance. We also affirm that the national cause, which has been and will remain, guaranteeing and safeguarding the legitimate rights of our people, is the main axis for ensuring the security and stability of the region and defeating the American-“israeli” project.

August 14, 2024

Popular Resistance Committees:

We extend our congratulations to the Islamic Resistance “Hezbollah,” His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, and the entire Lebanese people in all their diversity on the 18th anniversary of the resistance’s victory in the July 2006 war.

Through its steadfastness, resilience, wise leadership, and capabilities, the Islamic Resistance shattered the prestige, arrogance, and tyranny of the zionist entity and opened a window to its eternal defeat.

The defeat of the zionist entity in the July War and the victory of the resistance served as an inspiration and motivation for the resilience of the resistance and our proud Palestinian people. It contributed to rekindling determination and rallying energies to reshape the history of the [Arab and Islamic] Nation through the blessed Al-Aqsa Flood operation.

The great victory of the resistance and the crushing of the zionist entity’s might and arrogance marked the end of zionist supremacy as an invincible force. Today, we witness the escalation of support and reinforcement across all fronts of confrontation and conflict, especially the powerful fire, humiliation, and deterrence that Hezbollah directs towards the zionist entity. This is one of the outcomes of this divine victory in the July 2006 war.

Media Office of the Popular Resistance Committees in Palestine.
Wednesday, August 14, 2024, corresponding to 10th of Safar, 1446 AH.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The Popular Front Salutes the Resistance and the Lebanese People on the Anniversary of the Historic July Victory

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine extends its salutes to the brotherly Lebanese people and to the brothers in Hezbollah on the anniversary of the historic victory over the zionist enemy in the July 2006 war.

The Front stated that the July victory served as a beacon of hope for the nation’s aspirations to defeat the zionist entity and embodied the ability of people who believe in their cause to overcome the mightiest machines of war and destruction, backed by colonial systems led by the United States of America.

The Front emphasized the importance of considering factors of willpower and planning when reflecting on the historical epic initiated by the resistance in Lebanon—leadership, cadres, and fighters—which laid one of the solid foundations and starting points for the unity of the resistance forces on all fronts in the Axis of Palestine, which stands as a defender of all humanity against the American-zionist axis of evil.

The Front further stated that the July victory was, and remains, a moment in which we recall the unity of struggle and resistance of peoples against colonialism, rekindling our people’s hopes of freedom and independence. Today, we draw much inspiration from it in the battle of resistance, defending our peoples against this genocidal colonial entity.

The Front added that, in this critical stage, we renew our commitment to move forward united, fighting together on all fronts, fully aware of the sacrifices and the magnitude of the pain, confident that the decisive victory of July 2006 will be repeated, as it was paved with the blood of martyrs.

The Front stressed that the clear task set by this historic achievement for everyone is the elimination of the aggressive colonial base represented by the zionist entity and the realization of the nation’s aspirations for the liberation of Palestine, on the path to fully expelling the colonial system from our region and ensuring a free future and dignified life for our peoples.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
August 13, 2024