Let Us Ignite the Fire of Resistance Here!

On June 15, the Turkish army launched an invasion offensive in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). In addition to the almost daily air raids with jets and drones, the fascist Turkish state is now once again focusing on the occupation of the free mountains of Kurdistan. Morethan a thousand soldiers are deployed in northern Iraq, countless tanks are rolling across the border into the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan (northern Iraq) – with the blessing of the KDP – and ten new Turkish military bases have been established in the regions of Amediye, Zaxo and Soran within one month. Turkish soldiers take control of the checkpoints, including personal and identity checks. Villages are being depopulated and people are displaced in order to guarantee the control. In addition to collaborating with the Barzani clan (KDP), the Turkish army is resorting to allies who are already doing their “dirty work” for them in Rojava in the occupied areas of Serêkaniyê, Girê Spî and Efrîn. In order to limit their own losses, jihadist gangs, mainly remnants of IS and al-Qaeda, are now also being used as cannon fodder in the guerrilla areas. Although unusual for the AKP/MHP regime, there is no big propaganda show via the press or big-sounding operation names. Nevertheless, it cannot be ignored that this is currently the largest invasion of Iraq since the US operation in 2003. The more than 350 bombings since the beginning alone make it clear: Occupation invasions always mean misery and displacement of the population, as well as plundering and destruction of nature.

And yet, although the intensity of the offensive may seem frightening at first glance, we are observing and analyzing the situation with confidence. With great confidence in the ability of our friends from the guerrilla HPG/YJA-Star to adapt and act, with great admiration for their will to persevere and their ability, proven over the years, not only to hold their own against the second largest NATO army, but to win the offensive.

This is achieved by continuously developing the strategy based on the current situation and adapting the tactics and technical resources accordingly. In short, the mountains of Kurdistan are turning into the nightmare of the Turkish fascists and their allies. When we follow the development and the war, when we continue to see how the people of Rojava do not surrender, but continue to develop the people’s war and defend themselves against the attacks, when we receive more or less weekly news of sabotage actions and attacks by the HBDH/KBDH from Turkey, then we know: Nothing is lost and nothing will ever be lost. So the question we all have to ask ourselves is not victory or defeat, but how can we contribute to the victory?

How can we share some of the burden that our friends in Kurdistan are carrying on their shoulders? There are many possibilities and only passivity is wrong. All revolutionary internationalists must stand with all those who are engaged in the armed struggle against fascism and barbarism.

Therefore, we call on all of us to act: Not to wait for the next big mobilization, not to hope that someone will do something, but to direct all the anger in our bellies now against those who feed it every day. There are (unfortunately) still more than enough targets: in addition to (partially) state institutions, such as banks, airlines, trading companies, etc., the fascist structures from Turkey are also spreading like a mold – sometimes more visible, sometimes less visible, but always guaranteed to be harmful. Let’s not let them continue to act unhindered, let’s target them. As long as the invasion continues, as long as the Turkish state continues to politically and militarily oppose a free Kurdistan!

The call is now: put up posters, spray walls, inform people about the war, mobilize your friends, organize actions, throw stones, light fires and give the fascists and their allies no peace!

Freely adapted from Şehit Tekoşer «Every storm begins with a single raindrop. You must be that raindrop», it is now up to us to make it storm fiercely.

Widerstandsvernetzung Switzerland, August 2024
source: Fight For Rojava