The Embrace to a Brother. Farewell Words to Luciano Pitronello

“The night passes with its characteristic silence. The landscape gives way to a shaded areas of buildings that blend with the tops of old trees that, even today, resist dying.
It’s time to make a decision. The target planned tonight is inaccessible. Abandoning that heavy backpack, as agreed, would have been a massacre. Then your proposal appears.
(There are those who will hasten to slip in the most hurtful and burlesque adjectives; crossing out, with the advantage of time, with the most arrogant mockery. But you have to be here, comrades, you have to be here to know how instincts work under pressure. They will say that we learned nothing from previous experiences, however each generation will own its defeats and victories… and we have to live through anarchy today, to feel the difficult weight of the precariousness from which we must build it. The irony is that in that precariousness lies our strength.)
Advance pushes fast. Everything is fast. Those who have staked their bodies and freedom recognize the unmistakable sensation of time in a hurry, that we are taking a long time, sweat emerges, the heart pumps like never before, the hands tremble if they are not taken care of… When in reality, only those same old treetops feel the presence of others. For the rest of the world, today, you are a memory soon to expire.
There is no one, as you said. So, just fix your eyes on the objective. It is curious, comrade, how these coffers of Power believe themselves inviolable day and night, with or without guards. How they are sustained under the certainty that no one will dare to enter them, to sabotage them. It is then when this action acquires meaning. Hitting where it hurts, when they least expect it.
You advance at a steady pace, centimeters from the wall to avoid any accident. You lean your backpack against the trellis and come back, but the discreet noise of the falling cylinder stops you.
So, you decide to take the responsibility into your own hands…”

Today, in the midst of a gray atmosphere and crestfallen hopes, we have seen the departure of a comrade. A fighter who lived anarchy not only in its maximum expressions of freedom, but also in the smallest practices that he knew how to insert into his invaluable life. The death of comrades will always shake us, beyond the distances or closeness that exist. The past only testifies that we are few and valuable who dare to seek coherence with our deepest convictions, shortening the distance between our mouth and our arm. To bet on a daily life that, we know, will inevitably lead to confrontation with the State and its candidates. Life can seem unfair when we are unable to get out of stagnation and overcome the lethargy that, it seems, has molded the anarchic struggle in recent years. It is there that we value the life of the comrade, an anti-authoritarian who knew how to overcome different adversities, before and after that icy morning. An insurrectionalist who transformed his mistakes into experiences. False steps surrounded by bad memories to which he knew not to give a decisive place, thus canceling out all the voices that sought to silence him.

We salute Luciano, his realized life and the dedication he threw into anarchy. To his self-criticism and need to always move forward, regardless of the prognosis. To the smile with which he faced his defeats and the commitment to ensure each victory. To his decision to carry freedom in his blood and not under his arm. To each comrade who struggles to cope with his loss, know that our gestures will accompany you and, like you, we will know how to keep him present just as he knew how to do with Claudia, Jhonny, Mauri and Angry…

And to the state, managerial, police and journalistic rottenness: know that we do not forget. They played with the image of a comrade and the suffering of those close to them and that is not settled. Nothing is settled, be clear. We will be back soon, because nothing is over and everything continues.


Nueva Subversión.
August 2024.

From: La Zarzamora