The Genocide of Social Leaders in Colombia

Halfway through the period of the progressive government, the people continue to receive the successes and wait for the fulfillment of the popular mandate for the changes; one in particular, to stop the genocide against social leaders in Colombia.

It was clear enough that the strategy of seeking supposed governance through alliances and agreements with representatives of the old regime failed. President Petro himself admits that he failed in this idea; however, he continues to appoint in important positions pawns of the mafia and of American imperialism, such as Admiral Cubides, a recognized member of the mafia structure ensnared within the FFMM.

Things that do not change

The obedient application of the Doctrine of Security Continues, which considers enemies of all those people who do not submit to the purposes and interests of this regime, which are the interests of the United States. Petro lived the persecution of this Doctrine, was a victim of it as a rebel, even as a congressman; however, today, as president and depositary of the trust of popular sectors, this Doctrine that massacres the Colombian people, has not changed.

In the first half of his mandate, the genocide against social leaders continues, in the course of 2024 more than a hundred social leaders are killed. It is the worst example of what has not changed, since it should be the main change. But this will not come, it will not change, but categorical crimes are posed, a rigorous break with the prevailing Security Doctrine, which promotes the continuity and strengthening of narcoparamilitarism, the razing of territories and the massacre of communities.

The genocide in Colombia does not stop because Petro has not dared to cross and break the red line imposed on him from the north. The number of dead leaders continues to increase because the military doctrine has not changed. The narcoparamilitarism continues to rage because the generals of the Military Forces are still bosses and mafias operating in a criminal network.

Change is Awaited

Ending the killing of social and political leaders is the main change that the current government must make. A National Agreement for a New Regime must abandon the idea of pacification, and thus seriously concrete a political solution to the conflict.

If the flag of peacebuilding is true, the route must be to democratize the country and this is to take violence out of politics. End the persecution of those who think differently. Build the profound changes that the country requires from all voices. For this the people have already shown that they express themselves in the street, as the pulse of the country is won with the strength of popular mobilization.

Assassinations this week

Rafael Arcangel Ramirez, was a recognized leader who served as President of the Board of Communal Action of the La Florida Trail in the upper rural area of the municipality of Guadalajara, Buga; he was killed on August 5, in the area known as El Retiro de la Florida Trail in the Correction of Frisoles of Buga, Valle del Cauca.

Francisco Jiménez Gamarra, was a recognized community leader and public servant in the municipality of Altos del Rosario in the south of the department of Bolivar; he was killed on August 6, inside a public establishment located in the center of the municipality of Altos del Rosario.

Carlos Alberto Aristiszabal, was a recognized social leader, current president of the Municipal Action Board of the El Dorado neighborhood in the city of Pereira, Risaralda; he was killed with a firearm, on August 7, while he was in the Municipal House of the El Dorado neighborhood.

Elider Antonio Diaz Arias, was a signatory of the Peace Agreement and was currently carrying out his reintegration process in the municipality of Fonseca, La Guajira; he was killed on August 8, in the neighborhood of San Agustin in the municipality of Fonseca. when he was returning home after dropping off his son at school.

Israel Romero Rojas, was a recognized social leader and current president of the board of housing partners in the sector of Altos del Progreso of the Barzalosa trail north of the city of Girardot; he was killed on August 8, in the hours of the night by armed men who entered his home.

Rigoberto Ordonez Bastidas, was a signatory of the Peace Agreement, who was currently carrying out his process of reintegration in the municipality of Orito, Putumayo; he was killed on August 10, in the path el Azul, inspection of Siberia, Orito municipality, Putumayo, near the school of the area.

Wilfrido Segundo Izquierdo Arroyo, was a recognized indigenous leader of the Arhuaco people and a member of the Association of Indigenous Students of Magdalena University, in which he completed his studies of civil engineering with the aim of harmonizing his career with the ancestral knowledge of his community; he was killed on August 10, in the area known as Ciudad Equidad in Santa Marta.

August 12, 2024
