A Farewell to the Anarchist Comrade Belén Navarrete

“On the afternoon of August 21 we heard the terrible news of the death of an anarchist comrade Belén Navarrete Tapia, although there were doubts about the cause of death that day, it was later determined that a pulmonary edema caused our sister to leave. To be precise, no traces of any type of substance were found in the tests carried out at the SML, ruling out that there was an attempt on her life or that there had been any intervention by other people.”

Various comrades have expressed their words before the departure of comrade Belén Navarrete, who died on August 21, who remember her for her courage and commitment in street combat and informal anarchic struggle. Belén also participated in publications and anti-prison solidarity initiatives during her life.

Belén’s wake was held among canvases, propaganda and photographs of her, in the Parque del Sendero de Maipú, the same place where she was buried and bid farewell on Saturday, August 24.

In the face of her departure, comrade Tortu, an anti-speciesist prisoner in the Susaron case, wrote:


With sadness I receive the news of your departure and even recently assuming those of other comrades, but with the tranquility believing that on the other plane they are already meeting to live the utopia of full freedom, where there is no one who wants to direct and control our lives, in a world of inhumanity and misery like this.

Believing that they are with that tranquility, thousands of memories flood my head, your joy, your solidarity, your rebellion and the warrior full of convictions that did not remain in just words and you put them into practice, the consequence and the duty of those who decided to confront power and its entire established order.

In my memory will remain those memories of street fighting and also those moments of joy, those reels of feasting, tea time or complete sharing of life, anecdotes -there are several- we remembered a couple, but those will remain in our memory and in yours, that’s illegality.

With love, affection and the immense companionship that we always had, I wish you the best on this trip, it will not be a farewell, but see you later, we will meet again with the others who have already left to build the different world we always dreamed of.

A hug with great affection to your family and your comrades, much love at this time.

I love you very much compañera, we will see each other again, an eternal embrace full of love, action and anarchy.

See you later.

Tortu, prisoner of the case of Susaron
C.D.P. Santiago 1
August 22, 2024

This sudden death is added to the departure of another anarchist comrade Luciano Pitronello, who died on August 11, which keep us in an atmosphere of sadness, but also of active memory, with fraternal farewells and awareness of the contributions of the comrades to the conflict against power.

The calls continue to be directed towards action, to remember them in combat and direct action.

Belén Navarrete Presente!!

For more information visit ig: @buscandolakalle

By: La Zarzamora