There is No Force in the World Capable of Forcing us to Accept the Presence of a Single Occupying Soldier in Gaza: PFLP

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confirmed that the Zionist enemy’s bets on the continued presence of its forces in the Gaza Strip are mere illusions that will only bring it destruction, and that the American support for these bets shows that the enemy and its allies have not learned anything from the lessons of the struggle that our people have provided throughout their history in confronting the occupier.

The Front stresses that the continuation of the occupation and the disregard of the international system dominated by the United States for the demands and legitimate rights of our people, was and still is the main reason for all the crises in the region and the fuse of permanent ignition in it, and that the proposal of the return of the occupation to Palestinian land from which it previously withdrew thanks to the sacrifices of our people is contrary to the lessons of history and a criminal attempt to subjugate our people that will fall, as will all the goals of the aggression.
The Front affirms that supporting or addressing the proposals of the Zionist occupation government regarding the presence of its forces in Gaza constitutes a crime against our people, and contradicts the reality in which the entire world has come to acknowledge the necessity of ending the occupation, withdrawing the occupier from all Palestinian land, establishing the Palestinian state, and enabling our people to exercise their right to return.
The occupation forces on any inch of Palestinian land will remain a target for the resistance of our people, its fighters and heroic resistance fighters, and our people will not accept the return of the occupier to the Gaza Strip, and their struggle will continue to expel the occupation from every inch of our occupied land.
The Front affirms that our people, who have made sacrifices throughout the years of their long struggle since the launch of their contemporary revolution in order to remove the occupation and obtain their legitimate rights, and have stood firm in the face of the war of extermination, there is no force in the world capable of forcing them to accept the presence of a single occupying soldier on an inch of Gaza’s land.
The Front stresses that the attempts of the occupation’s allies to intimidate our people in order to sign a surrender document that allows the occupation to remain safe have not stopped since the establishment of this colonial entity, and will fall again thanks to the steadfastness of our people and their continuous resistance in all its forms.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
August 24, 2024