Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda: Words from Prison in Memory of Tortuga Luciano Pitronello

Two weeks have passed since the day that took the body of Tortuga but not his living legacy expressed in multiple ways in infinite initiatives, people, minds and Insurrectionary hearts that will never forget him.

It has all been sudden and bitter. Of course, no one expects the physical death of a brother full of energy, full of vitality, consequential in his actions, awake in his feelings.

A comrade like few others, capable of beating death and continuing to challenge the present with all the anarchic power of a convinced insurrectionalist who never renounced the conflict.

What power and its guardian hitmen say does not matter to us. What the police press says has nothing to do with the living memory of our beloved brother Tortuga and from there every one of his friends, comrades and accomplices who have really walked by sharing journeys of tension and projects of struggle, we know of the invaluable loss that his physical departure means.

Actions, Libraries, Collectives, Direct Solidarity Groups, Writings, conspiracies… The real life of a friend and comrade who was always close to contributing concretely in the search for my early release from prison.

We saw each other a little while ago without knowing that it was a farewell. We ate something while we talked without stopping to take advantage of the meagre two hours of visit.
We say goodbye with a strong and loving hug scheduling the next meeting… Weeks passed and suddenly the disastrous news flew to the prison where we learned of the critical state in which the Tortuga was. His departure was imminent… and so it was. On the night of Sunday, August 11, his body was extinguished in the face of the widespread pain of many.

We are in mourning, we have rage, there is an inevitable pain but there is also a clear awareness of perpetuating his legacy as an irreducible expression of a struggle that he never abandoned in any of its variants. We lost a friend and comrade, a brave and upright fighter, a person like few others, capable of beating death and all the limitations that hostile life imposes on us.

Blood gives us relatives; however in the life we choose, we find our true family, herd and brotherhood and from there nothing can dirty the memory of Tortuga.

Neither official versions, nor reports, nor anything of the putrefaction of power and its allied citizens will be able to take away from us the commitments and loyalties that were forged in the insurrectionary fire of attack and resistance literally against all odds.

In the wenumapu he will surely be with Angry, with Luisa, with Maury receiving Belén. Without a doubt, she is part of the stars who guide us with their eternal light in this struggle in which there is no turning back.

We will never forget you dear kompañero!!
With our warriors always and everywhere!
Tortuga lives and returns in the daily fight with all authority!!
Nothing is over, Everything continues!!
As long as there is misery there will be rebellion!!

Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda

Prison company la gonzalina Rancagua.
End of August 2024-

From: La Zarzamora