Amilcar Cabral and the World to Come

Inkani Books, a publishing house from South Africa, has released a number of remarkable titles in…

This War is the Physical Clash of Two Modernities, Two Antagonistic Worldviews

Interview with Sîpan Nûjiyan, International HPG Fighter 29.08.2024 Interview by Riseup4Rojava A large scale operations of…

HPG Pays Tribute to Commander Orhan Cihat Bingöl

The People’s Defense Forces (HPG) have announced the death of Orhan Cihat Bingöl. The long-time guerrilla…

Guerrillas Carry Out Actions in Heftanîn, Metina and Zap

The People’s Defense Forces (HPG) Press Center issued a statement about the guerrillas’ resistance to the…