A Further Illustration of Imperialist Domination in Haiti

It is not an accident of history, if the Republic of Haiti in which there reigns an outdated, corrupt and rotten power, ended up reaching the brink of the abyss. Everything was done so that we would sink into this grim situation, even going to total chaos.

This project was a real success, it took us where the dark forces wanted it. But, despite everything, the Haitian resistance forced imperialism to redouble its efforts to strengthen its presence by a kind of interference with outrage, which, unfortunately, has placed the country in a deep socioeconomic backwardness.

This political interference of Western imperialism could only be better illustrated at the meeting that took place on Saturday, August 24, 2024 at the headquarters of the Primature, between the Prime Minister, Dr. Garry Conille, accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Religious Affairs, Ms. Dominique Dupuy, US Ambassador to Haiti, Mr. Dennis H. Hankins, and Mr. Sidi Diawara of Burkina Faso, a UN expert on electoral issues who has held leadership positions in several international organizations, including Oxfam, NDI, TrustAfrica, IFES, and UNDP.

According to a note published on the Facebook site of the communication office of the Prime Minister, the purpose of this meeting was to discuss the process and preparations related to the draft National Conference, the constitutional reform and the organization of general elections in the country. Does not such a political agenda simply fall within the national sovereignty of a state? Now, the question is: what come these foreign personalities to do in this area falling exclusively under Haitian sovereignty? What does a foreign diplomat look for at any meeting on the establishment of Haitian institutions if he is not a stakeholder in the power in place? To all these questions, the answer is clear: these individuals have no place.

To the extent that, no Haitian ambassador or otherwise can under any circumstances and under any pretext participate in such a meeting in Washington. Regarding the American electoral games, he can not even give his opinion on this or that candidate. So, under what criterion can it be possible, to arrive and be accepted in Haiti, except by the irresponsibility of criminal renegades who have denied and sold their homeland to foreign forces?

The decision to organize a National Conference as well as a constitutional reform and the organization of general elections belongs particularly to the Haitians who should sit together around a table and decide by mutual agreement as a responsible and dignified elite to discuss and reflect on the future of their country. Any country, even the leading world power, should not be invited. Yet the American representative in Haiti, playing his role as Proconsul or Governor, is present and participates with his socalled expert. For what purpose and for what to do? First of all, it is hard to imagine that a foreign representative could participate in such planning without having been invited.

So, the question that must be asked of the Prime Minister, is who invited Hankins and Diawara? Before even having the answer, one can deduce that nothing surprising, if it was they who summoned the socalled head of government acting as Colonial Administrator of the United States of America in Haiti.

Under these conditions, there is every reason to think that Prime Minister Conille who led this socalled meeting was actually there, only to receive instructions from these foreign diplomats. In fact, what happened at the Primate is not the expression of mere interference but rather of a manifestation revealing the character of submission and allegiance of the supposed Haitian leaders who unequivocally accept the domination of American imperialism.

It is in this same vein that the U.S. ambassador to Haiti visiting the North of the country on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, mocked Haitians about the sanctions imposed by the U.S. Treasury Department against former President Michel Martelly. Didnt he say thatWe took all this time to impose sanctions on Michel Martelly because we wanted to make sure that all the evidence was gathered and that the decision taken was justified.” This attitude of Hankins and his outlandish even cocaish statement are all the more significant because they probably expressed a diplomatic offensive so that the government would apply the instructions of their bosses, their masters to think in Washington.

The presence of the ambassador at this meeting accompanying the UN electoral expert Sidi Diawara will certainly not be without tomorrow. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that this meeting would aim to stifle all progressive ways in order to revive the processes of effective recolonization of the country. The main thing is to recognize this threat and to face it by uniting the working masses, the progressive and antiimperialist forces fighting for the defense of national sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the country to thwart this offensive.

In truth, the profound social, economic and political crisis that Haiti is going through will not be solved by initiatives or interventions of American imperialism or by the facades of international organizations at its service such as the UN, the OAS or CARICOM. On the contrary, all these deliberate maneuvers only plunge the Haitian people deeper into misery, chaos and submission to imperialism. This meeting is a new chapter in the long crisis of American imperialist interference and oppression in the national territory to falsify our history. This American domination is the consequence of the inability of the sociopolitical elites responsible for the collapse of the Haitian state.

Yet, the primary objective of this encumbered neighbor is to prevent Haiti from embarking on the path of true political and economic independence so that it can sovereignly exercise its authority on the national territory. Whatever echo this initiative will arouse, it will constitute an example and illustration of the complete control of the US Administration over the Haitian institutions while accentuating the destabilization of the country. The urgency is to get rid of this imperialist domination, to end colonialism from this land that is sacred to us. Because, this is the only condition to ensure the salvation of the Haitian people.