“Comrades Ali Dinçer and İsmet Ünver are Immortal!” MKP

Two valiant commanders of the Kurdish nation, two leading revolutionaries of the Kurdish national struggle, Orhan Cihat Bingöl (Ali Dinçer) and Tekin Goyi (İsmet Ünver), were martyred in the dastardly attacks of the fascist Turkish state, which attacked the oppressed nations and minorities, beliefs and their defenders with the most brutal fascist methods and positioned for complete annihilation, against the Medya Defense Zones on June 6, 2024 and Rojava Kurdistan on July 19, 2024. We pay tribute to comrades Orhan Cihat Bingöl and Tekin Goyi, who devoted their lives to the struggle against the national oppression of the Turkish ruling classes and became immortal for this cause, and we promise to enlarge their memories on all fronts of the revolutionary struggle.

The relentless defender and implementer of the monistracist paradigm, the eternal enemy of the nations, minorities and beliefs in our geography and the region, the fascist Turkish state does not take a single step back from its policy of national oppression despite all the regressions, economic and political crises it has experienced, and continues its attacks with all kinds of dirty methods for the sake of pumping blood into the chauvinistnationalistsharia vein it feeds on. The liberation struggle of the Kurdish nation against national oppression is the center of these attacks.

In this respect, the four parts of Kurdistan are demonstrating a magnificent resistance against the heaviest war conditions and attacks, making gains and paying a heavy price. Heroically resisting from the North to the South, from the West to the East, the HPG/YJA Star guerrillas under the leadership of the PKK also make technical, technological and tactical contributions to the development and renewal of the guerrilla struggle at the same time as the guerrilla struggle they carry out.

Undoubtedly, one of the most important strategic weapons in the conduct and development of guerrilla warfare is the command echeloncadres. Comrades Orhan and Tekin took their place in the war with this awareness and responsibility, and from the first day to the last moment, they participated and led the struggle with all their selves in terms of developing the war, meeting the needs of their people and the revolutionary war. Comrades Orhan and Tekin, who met the war developed by the Turkish state in every field, directly in the field, in the war, played an important role in the gains achieved thanks to the important tasks they undertook and the sacrifices they made. They have traveled every inch of Kurdistan with great faith and left indelible traces wherever their steps touched. They have devoted a lifetime to the fight with their enormous effort and inexhaustible enthusiasm. With the revolutionary values they kept alive in their selves, they made a great impression on every person they touched, their comrades and us, their comrades/friends, and they created the bonds of comradeship.

Comrade Orhans comradely relationship with the guerrillas of our Party in Northern Kurdistan, Bingöl and Dersim, and in the fields of Medya Defense, the experiences and experiences he shared with our comrades in the fields he commanded, the efforts he made in the positioning of our Party forces, the opportunities and opportunities he mobilized were the features that showed the importance he attached to the trench comradeship.

In the same way, the comradeship relationship he established with our Party forces in the areas where Comrade Tekin assumed responsibility, his sharing, the importance he attached to trench comradeship, and his friendship will not be forgotten.

Comrades Orhan and Tekin are our trench comrades that our Party will remember with respect and love. They will always be remembered as our commanders in the trenches of war for their militant revolutionary stance in the struggle, their determination and leadership in guerrilla warfare.

Their struggle will be magnified by the peoples of Kurdistan, their guerrillas and their comrades, from where they left off, until they make their goals and ideals a reality. Just as the fierce attacks of the fascist Turkish state could not stop yesterday, it will not be able to stop the struggle today, and the victory will sooner or later belong to those who resist. The flag of struggle left by comrades Orhan and Tekin will continue to wave in our positions at the forefront of the resistance trenches.

* Comrades Orhan and Tekin Will Live in Our Socialist Peoples War!

* Comrades Orhan and Tekin are Immortal!

* Down with the National Oppression of the Kurdish Nation!

Maoist Communist Party / Central Committee