A Necessary Complicit Dialogue, Words of Comrade Francisco Solar from Prison.

Violent actions burst into the social landscape, causing the anarchic message to spread and generate the concern of authorities and exploiters. They take the floor and through the fact propose strategies and ideas. They point out, by themselves, that the anarchic struggle is alive and that Power fails in its annihilating pretension. They show that it is possible to make ideas a real threat, making speech and action indistinguishable. They are a true show of revolutionary solidarity that are in full harmony with the struggle of the comrades inside the prison.

And the anarchic actions of magnitude carried out in recent weeks, such as the burning of Cemento Melón trucks in San Antonio by the Insurrectional Cell for the Maipo – New Subversion, are clearly framed within that anarchic solidarity that seeks to intensify the conflict. That understands the need for permanent attack and vindicates through the facts the actions for which the Power dictates exemplary sentences. Which causes the special isolation regime to lose much of its weight. All my recognition to those who decidedly give continuity and persist in the anarchic offensive.

These actions also have the capacity to strengthen our revolutionary memory by keeping us alive and present through the attack in memory of the comrades who have left us. They destroy forgetfulness and make the memory transgressive actions. The anarchic offensive will know how to keep among us the comrade, the warrior Luciano Pitronello, who persistently and despite all the difficulties he had as a result of his combative option, never gave up. He knew how to learn from experiences to strengthen his clear Insurrectional position. He decided to turn his life into this anarchic path that, as he himself demonstrated, is without return. His life, his practices, ideas and experiences constitute a true propaganda for the deed and represent an encouragement for all of us by giving us that necessary strength to continue.

Violent attacks, with the preparation and risks they imply, dialogue with the multiplicity of actions and activities framed within the anarchic world, qualifying a confrontational posture. This necessary harmony between the diverse and varied practices against authority strengthens each of them and the combative positioning in general. A mural, posters or canvases establish a conversation that is complicit with the destruction caused by an explosive device, feeding off each other. A rally, a forum or a dissemination activity generates a seditious communication with the remains of a burnt bus. And all this, at the same time, is intertwined with the struggle of the comrades in prison, breaking welfare and victimist visions. Giving life to the anarchic solidarity that makes its way despite the obstacles that Power multiplies and perfects.

And it is not only the exercise of solidarity that is being carried out, but what underlies it is the construction of relationships that seek to oppose any form of authority, experiencing here and now paths of freedom, strengthening ourselves individually and collectively.

A big hug to all those who raised the various expressions of solidarity in this week of agitation against isolation. Each one of them is a clear example of what we are and that Power, no matter how hard it tries, will never be able to stop them.

The call is to extend this beautiful way of practicing solidarity to break with the solitary confinement regime, to eliminate the sentences of the military justice system and to achieve the freedom of comrade Marcelo Villarroel and that of all the anarchist and subversive prisoners who fight in prisons.

With the anarchist comrade Belén Navarrete Tapia in the memory that is transformed into insurrectionary action. Her life committed to the struggle is one more reason to intensify the confrontation.

Long live anarchic actions!
Anarchist and subversive prisoners to the streets!
Let the prisons burst!

Francisco Solar
La Gonzalina-Rancagua Prison
August 2024

Source: La Zarzamora