Jenin, Unbreakable, Bids Farewell Today to 22 Martyrs Who Illuminate the Skies of Palestine: DFLP

Jenin and its five neighboring villages began today to bid farewell to 22 martyrs, the shining moons of Palestine, granting it hope for victory and greater steadfastness in resisting the occupation, despite the deliberate killing and destruction of infrastructure aimed at not only the resistance fighters but primarily the popular base of resistance, attempting to weaken their support and isolate them. This is part of the occupation’s plan to subdue our people and resistance in favor of its project to annex the West Bank and block our struggle for full independence.

Jenin, Tulkarem, Nablus, and other West Bank governorates, as well as the steadfast Gaza Strip, through their resistance and the legendary perseverance of the Palestinian people, send a message to the occupation, its complicit Western backers, and the Arab regimes that have capitulated, even to the point of partnering in the aggression, which has grown fiercer over the past year since the Al-Aqsa Flood. The message is clear: After nearly a century of colonial domination and 76 years since the founding of the occupation state, the Palestinian people have proven they cannot be exterminated. Their destiny is to achieve complete independence. The occupation state will not succeed in exterminating our people as European settlers did to the indigenous people of America or as they partially succeeded in Australia and New Zealand.

The statement concluded by emphasizing that our people, who have been engaged in the struggle for more than a century and who rose from the ashes after the Nakba of 1948 and the defeat of 1967, are capable of sustaining the struggle against the occupation state, inflicting political defeats, economic losses, and damage to its international standing, until it recognizes and yields to the rights of the Palestinian people. Our people deserve courageous and resolute political leadership that matches their bravery, resistance, and steadfastness. This will only be achieved through the restoration of national unity, for which the recent Beijing Agreement is a faithful expression.

Central Media – Ramallah
September 6, 2024