Molotov Attacks on Police by Anarchists in Chile

(Chile) Incendiary outing at Ex-pedagogico (UMCE) in memory of Macarena Valdés and Manuel Gutiérrez

On Friday, August 23, hooded people came out of the interior of the former pedagogical center to erect barricades and set up confrontations with molotovs against the presence of the carabineros (COP) in memory of Macarena Valdés and Manuel Gutiérrez, and in solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar. The action ended without arrests or injuries.

Here are some records:

Photographs by Sinrvmbo

Source: Informativo Anarquista

(Chile) Incendiary outing at Universidad de Chile (JGM) on the eve of a new commemoration of the Military Coup

Yesterday, a day of protest was held at the University of Chile, faculty of Juan Gómez Millas. During the morning, an act and vigil was held in memory of the 119, where students and professors of the campus participated – a discussion was held and the word was arranged for memory and dissemination. After that, hooded people erected barricades in the university’s buildings, generating confrontations with the police, who came to clear the sector.

It is recorded that at the same time a march by high school students was held in the center of Santiago and at the Christian Academy University there were clashes with the police who came to repress a protest in front of the campus.

No arrests were registered.

From Frente Fotrográfico

Source: Informativo Anarquista