Independent Media Organizations are Fed up With Constant Harassment by the Mexican Government

Grassroots, independent, autonomous media or whatever you want to call us, are in resistance to the persecution and attacks by the Mexican State.

Members of grassroots and independent media organizations are fed up with constant harassment by the Mexican government that have taken place since the beginning of the AMLO administration. Not only have we been criminalized, persecuted and murdered, as in the case of Samir Flores Soberanes, but they are also trying to impose their own narrative on independent media, organizing international events for “independent media workers” while the main speaker is the president of the republic.

The recent aggressions by paramilitaries from the mayor of Xochimilco and the police of Tlalpan are clear examples of how authorities from all political parties are attacking independent media outlets and all those in solidarity with the struggle of the people. In a single day, comrades who were marching against criminalization were beaten, sexually assaulted and robbed in two brutally repressive attacks. We have counted 50 injured, 5 seriously, 4 sexual assaults and 11 members of independent media were attacked, in addition to the 5 comrades who were detained for 10 hours, deprived of communication.

On the morning of September 5, 2024, a peaceful demonstration was taking place in front of the Xochimilco City Hall when a paramilitary group attacked, under orders from municipal officials. The violence was directed against independent media collectives who were covering the peaceful protest. The complicity of the police, who withdrew from the scene while the attack was taking place, was evident, allowing the massive robbery of telephones and cameras to systematically destroy evidence. The repression continued with 5 arbitrary arrests, accompanied by physical, psychological and sexual torture.

At night on the same day, while comrades stood in solidarity and demanded the release of the 5 detainees, the State (this time with official uniforms of the “Zorros” group) repeated the repressive acts at the Tlalpan Public Ministry, where the Xochimilco detainees had previously been illegally transferred. The riot police beat, dragged and gassed protesters and once again stole evidence from independent media outlets documenting the situation. This action is neither new nor isolated; it reflects a policy of repression and public scorn that the government has undertaken against all those of us who dare to contradict the official narrative. It is important to mention the repression was not only carried out by the Morena government of Xochimilco and Mexico City, but also by the PAN, PRI and PRD that govern in Tlalpan. The entire political spectrum was united in repression.

The press equipment that was stoled is valued at 4,500 USD. Our comrades have head injuries, broken ribs and psychological scars. Even so, our spirit of resistance remains intact. The struggle for independent media and the voices of the people will not cease.

That is why we demand:    

– An end to acts of violence, intimidation and criminalization against members of the independent media who defend the rights of the peoples.

– The disappearance of the police force known as “Los Zorros” (The Foxes) and the disbanding of Mexican police operatives trained in Israel.

– The resignation of Francisco Pastrana, Legal Director of Xochimilco, and Guerrero de la Cruz Clavel, General Director of Environment and Sustainable Development, involved in the events we denounce in this statement.

We ask for the support of the organized neighbors of Xochimilco and all collectives attacked.

But, above all, we make an urgent call to organize! We call for resistance and to continue grassroots and independent media! The storm begins. Let’s take care of ourselves in the streets, let’s organize and bond together because together we communicate better and farther. If we are in the government’s sights, it is because our voices are more necessary than ever. Don’t be afraid, lets continue to speak out!

Join this call to action!

Take your camera, recorder, microphone, pencil, stencil. Get organized, protect your compas and spread the word!

Long live Samir Flores!

Long live the struggle of the organized peoples!

Long live grassroots voices in resistance!



If you support this statement, write your name and country, your media/organization or collective at the link below:

source: Voices in Movement