Mapuche National Liberation Movement (LNM): Sabotage of Machines at the Miraflores Estate

To our people, the Mapuche nation and to the conscious Chilean people in general, the Mapuche National Liberation Movement LNM declares the following:

We are responsible for the sabotage action carried out on Monday, September 9 of this year in the Miraflores farm (Lautaro) resulting in the destruction of 2 backhoe machines that provided service to the company of Aridos Rubilar, a company that has been dynamiting the winkul Lonkoche, this is constantly accompanied by police, military and private guards, as always these murderers at the service of the rich and as the current government of the day also led by the puppet of Gabriel Boric who has been in charge of further toughening the repression against our Mapuche people.

With this action carried out by our Weichafe we reaffirm our commitment to the defense of our Mapu ka itrofilmogen, which has faced irreparable destruction generated by the sand and gravel companies that over the years have exhausted almost 80% of the natural resources in the rivers, especially in the Lewfu kautin; not satisfied with that now they advance towards the winkul (hills) destroying all life that inhabits there as well as every NGEN that has accompanied our kuyfikecheyen from time immemorial to this day. To the capitalist Chilean state, do not forget that you are in our territory and that every repressive blow against our people will be returned in the same way in any part of our wallmapu.

Freedom to Jorge Cayupán, Nelson Queupil, Luis Tranamil, Claudia Nahuelan, José Cáceres and all the PPM.

Out with the Sand and Gravel Companies, Loggers, Large Landowners, Salmon Farms and all capitalist investment in our territory!!

In unity and armed struggle “We shall overcome.”

Mapuche National Liberation Movement LNM.

Source: Resumen Latinoamericano