Tubas is as Unbreakable as Jenin and Tulkarem: PFLP

Tubas is as unbreakable as Jenin and Tulkarem, and the goal of the broad military campaign against it will fail in the face of the steadfastness of the resistance and the will of our people.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine mourns the five martyrs of the heroic resistance fighters who were martyred at dawn today during a treacherous zionist bombardment of the city of Tubas, coinciding with the zionist army’s announcement of the start of a broad military operation in the Tubas and Tamoun area, as part of its broad military campaign in the northern occupied West Bank.

Just as the zionist occupation failed to crush the resistance in Jenin and Tulkarem, it will not succeed in achieving this goal in Tubas, whose resistance will remain steadfast and unbreakable.

Destroying the infrastructure and expanding the scope of military operations in the cities of the northern West Bank is not an achievement; rather, it is a cowardly act that reveals the bankruptcy of the enemy and its inability to face the resistance and the solid will of our people, which cannot be uprooted or defeated.

The best response to this new cowardly aggression on Tubas will be to escalate the resistance and carry out qualitative operations against the occupation forces, in loyalty to the blood of the martyrs and to confirm the strength and steadfastness of our people, and their insistence on thwarting the occupation’s plans.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
September 11, 2024