We Will Send the Followers of September 12 to the Dustbin of History! — HBDH

Leaving its mark on the ’70s, the level and achievements of the class struggle were the rising struggle of the Turkish revolutionary movement and the national struggle that gained momentum in Kurdistan. These years were also a period in which the economic, political and social crisis experienced by the Turkish rulers and capital, with the succession of coalition governments and the blockage in the capital accumulation strategy, gradually evolved into a crisis of governance. The military fascist coup détat of September 12, 1980 emerged as a result of such a process.

The implementation of the January 24 Decisions taken under the guidance of the World Bank and the IMF to get out of the crisis and the realization of restructuring could only be achieved by breaking the resistance of the working class and oppressed peoples and destroying their pioneers. This was the basic impulse behind the September 12 coup. This process is the process of integration into Turkeys neoliberal capital accumulation regime. Goal; privatization, the discipline of the labor market, strike bans and the usurpation of all the vested rights of the working classes through a wave of deunionization, flexibilization and insecurity. Goal; It was to suppress the national liberation struggle that developed in Kurdistan and to destroy the Kurdish peoples quest for freedom. Goal; It was to prevent the social awakening and the orientation of the masses to the struggle for revolution and socialism. In essence, the September 12 coup détat was the moment of the process of reorganization and restructuring of the ruling class relations of capital in accordance with the new accumulation strategy, and the clearing of the way for this.

The military fascist coup of September 12, while triggering a radical change in the relationship between capital and labor, the suppression and regression of the working class struggle, it aimed to suppress the rising revolutionary struggle in Turkey and Kurdistan. For this reason, Turkey and Kurdistan have been literally turned into an open prison, with the terror of torture, massacre, detention and arrest, it was aimed to tame the revolutionary forces and intimidate the peoples. Amed, Mamak, Metris and other dungeons have been the scene of inhumane practices and torture for years. However, despite all this, prison resistance was not lacking, and revolutionary and patriotic prisoners could not be surrendered. On the other hand, the PPP made its breakthrough on August 15, the 89′ Spring protests and the refermented struggles of the workers and toilers developed in Turkey, and although a line of struggle equivalent to the rising national liberation struggle in Kurdistan could not be organized, a division of the TDH gained the level of organizing the armed struggle again. All these have been the factors that have prevented the neoliberal offensive program from achieving its goal.

Neoliberalism gained momentum with the AKP government in 2002. The AKP government created the working conditions that pushed labor to unconditionally submit to the program of capital, implemented privatizations and ensured the stable implementation of capital programs. With the July 2016 coup attempt and countercoup, fascist oppression and terror practices were taken to the next level; It has targeted the search for freedom and equality of the working classes, Kurdish people, Alevis, women, LGBTIs, and youth. Today, the AKPMHP fascist government stands before us as a total war power, not only economically but also politically and militarily.

The AKPMHP fascist government and the OVP, which is coded as theŞimşekprogram of the Turkish capitalist class; It is another name for the attack of destructive proletarianization of society from 7 to 70. By spreading child labor and slavery, it presents it to the rampant and bloody exploitation of capital, forces pensioners to work again with a salary even below the poverty wage, raises the retirement age and imposes retirement in the grave. It destroys the conditions of production of the small producer, the poor peasant, as a whole, and embarks on a new attack of dispossession that will facilitate the collapse of the farmers land. This program knows no limits in terms of the destruction of nature and its opening to rent, and attracts underground and aboveground resources to capital. With the minimum wage, which does not go beyond usurping all the existing acquired rights of the working class and being a misery wage, it paves the way for maximum exploitation and profit for capital with increases in everything from needle to thread. The MTP, which aims to maximize exploitation and deepen poverty and misery, is a strategy for monopoly capitalists to increase capital accumulation enormously. The peoples of Turkey and Kurdistan are confronted with a program that ensures the transfer of value to capital and that capital increases its profits in a frenzied manner.

The AKPMHP fascist government, which proceeded on the path opened by September 12; It aims to extend the isolation it has imposed on Comrade Abdullah Öcalan, the Kurdish peoples leader, to all political prisoners and, increasingly, to the entire antifascist and revolutionary opposition. Turkey and Kurdistan have been filled with special welltype prisons and prisons have been turned into death camps. Revolutionary political prisoners are resisting in all death camps today, as they were on September 12, armed with revolutionary will, determination and courage. İmralı system; Today, it is the name of the attack to destroy the Kurdish peoples will and struggle to live freely and equally. It is a shackle hung around the neck of the peoples of Turkey as a result of turning a blind eye to the oppression of another nation.

The denialist and monistic understanding of September 12 is also the mortar of the colonial war waged by the fascist government in Bashur and Rojava Kurdistan today. The Kurdistan region is the target of the most ruthless and violent attacks of the AKPMHP fascist war machine, like a laboratory of death. Kurdistan is being bombed every day, and the Kurdish people, from freedom guerrillas to civilians, are being targeted. Today, Kurdish freedom fighters are fighting tooth and nail against the colonialist fascist Turkish state in all parts of Kurdistan, making them pay the same price as they paid the price. In the face of the occupation operation launched in Bashur Kurdistan, the Kurdish freedom forces are putting up a great resistance. In this war, in which UAVs, chemicals, and the most advanced war tools and equipment were used, the resistance and revolutionary war moves displayed in the face of so many unequal power relations are a sign of the invincibility and victory of the Kurdish guerrilla struggle.

The coming period will continue with the deepening of the economic crisis, a great social rift and the further growth of the colonial war. The united struggle of the peoples of Turkey and Kurdistan can be a barrier to the fascist war and terror of the Turkish ruling bloc and the OVP, which is referred to as theŞimşekProgram. AKPMHP fascist government and monopoly capitalists; We can only shatter the concept of total war against the peoples of Turkey and Kurdistan by expanding the struggle for a united revolution. On this basis, as HBDH, we aim to cut the noose around the neck of the working classes in Turkey; We will expand the united revolution and destroy fascism in order to put an end to the occupation, annexation and colonial war in the Kurdistan geography!

HBDH Executive Committee

September 12, 2024