Italy: End of Judicial Control for Anarchists in Bezmotivny Trial

Between July and August, all the judicial control measures that remained in place for the eight accused and indicted in the operation Scripta Scelera launched on 8 August 2023 against the bimonthly anarchist Bezmotivny have been revoked. Prosecutor Manotti, of the AntiMafia and AntiTerrorism Directorate of the district of Genoa, had requested ten measures of preventive detention for ten defendants and obtained, from the Judge of Liberties, nine measures of judicial control: house arrest with all restrictions for four of them and the prohibition of leaving the commune of residence, with prohibitions to leave his home at night, for five others (for one of them, this measure had already expired on 29 March, as his maximum term had been reached). In addition, during this procedure, there have been several hardening of these measures, as well as, recently, mitigations.

With an order of 10 July, the investigating judge of the court of Genoa lifted the obligation to point at police officers, for three accused, and then, at the beginning of August, the obligation to point for another accused, was also lifted. These four measures had been imposed by the judge in May, replacing the previous ones. On 22 and 23 August, the judge of the court of Massa, ordered the lifting of the ban on leaving the commune of residence, together with the obligation to point every day, for the last four accused still subject to judicial control measures (the four accused in the current trial in Massa). The next hearing in the case is set for Tuesday, October 8, in the court of Massa.