PFLP On the Approaching Year Anniversary of Al-Aqsa Flood

We are entering almost a year of this war, and there is no actual strategic change, and none of the goals set by the occupation have been achieved.

The American does not want “israel” to be defeated, so they refuse, obstruct, and procrastinate on the issue of a ceasefire.

The American views the exit of “israel” from this war without achieving its goals as a defeat, so they want it to achieve its goals politically.

The enemy is facing multiple fronts, with the most prominent being the global front, which is still brewing, advancing, and interacting, even in American public opinion.

Since the beginning of the war until today, America has been more concerned about “israel” than “israel” itself.

If Gaza has created this shock that has unsettled the Israeli consciousness, not just the doctrine, imagine what Hezbollah’s strength is doing?

The Popular Front has defined its awareness of the struggle and its understanding of this battle on the basis that it is a decisive battle, and thus it should be measured at all levels.

Netanyahu is trying to fill the so-called third day and presents a vision for managing Gaza after the war, hence he has appointed a military governor and a civilian governor.

The Popular Front called from the day after the Beijing Agreement for a small committee to read how to implement it with a practical strategic plan.

There is significant “israeli”-American incitement regarding the Egyptian role, whether talking about its support for the resistance or American pressure on it to accept “Israeli” presence in the Philadelphia axis.

The most embarrassing issue for Egypt is the Rafah crossing—whether the Egyptians will accept it to be between them and the occupation or between them and the Palestinians.

Just the fact that the Rafah crossing is under “israeli” control and has not been handed over to the Palestinians is a threat to Egyptian national security.

Resolving the Rafah crossing issue is what’s expected, which is why Egypt has called for an upcoming Palestinian meeting, in which it will be present, along with the Qatari envoy.