Sinwar to Nasrallah: Unity of Palestine and the Ummah a Core Principle, With the Resistance at its Heart

Hamas Political Bureau Leader Yahya Sinwar sent a telegram to Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah thanking him for his letter in which he congratulated him on his assumption of the Resistance movement’s leadership and offering his and Hezbollah’s condolences over the martyrdom of former political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh.

Haniyeh was assassinated by the Zionist occupation during a visit to Iran to attend the inauguration of President Masoud Pezeshkian. One week later, Hamas elected Sinwar as leader. Sinwar represents the revolutionary axis of Hamas, while Haniyeh, and the Hamas representatives there maintained a concilitory stance that often was in tension with the street. The Qatari position, weakened on every point (even Al Jazeera, the bourgeois media apparatus) has now lost sway over the Resistance and Sinwar’s rise represent a distinct shift.

The letter is published below:

To His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, may Allah protect him, may Allah protect him.

Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon,
Peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you,

Allah Almighty said: “And He takes martyrs from among you.”

We in the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, received with great appreciation and pride your gracious message, offering congratulations and condolences on the martyrdom of our brother, your companion in jihad and resistance, the nation’s departed leader, fighter Ismail Haniyeh, “Abu Al-Abed,” Head of the Political Bureau of the Movement, and his companion, the fighting brother Wassim Abu Shaaban, “Abu Anas.” We thank you for your solidarity, which was imbued with sincere and noble emotions, as expressed through your blessed actions on the frontlines of the Axis of Resistance—supporting, aiding, and participating in this battle. We ask Allah Almighty to bless your efforts and protect you and your country from all harm.

Our leader and symbol of the nation and Palestine, Abu Al-Abed, ascends as a martyr in the Al-Aqsa Flood battle, one of the most honorable historical battles of our Palestinian people. His blood, and that of his sons, grandchildren, and family, merges with the great sacrifices offered by our people in Gaza, the West Bank, Al-Quds, and the occupied lands. This affirms that the blood of our leaders and fighters is not more precious than the blood of our people, and that these pure blood and the blessed convoys of martyrs will only strengthen and solidify the resistance against the nazi-zionist occupation.

We also reaffirm that the movement will always remain steadfast in honoring the blood of the martyrs, and that the noble principles upheld by the martyr leader, Abu Al-Abed, will remain firm and guiding. The movement and our fighters will continue on this path, foremost among these principles being the unity of our Palestinian people in the choice of jihad and resistance, and the unity of the Ummah—at the heart of which is the Axis of Resistance—against the zionist project, in defense of our Ummah and its sanctities, foremost among them Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa, until the occupation is expelled and eradicated from our land, and our fully sovereign, independent state is established with Al-Quds as its capital.

We pray that Allah protects you, your people, and your land with goodness, security, and stability.