ELN Comandante Antonio García on History of CIA Destabilizing Latin America

Every year new cables, reports, and emails are unveiled, clearly reiterating the role played by the CIA, the U.S. in the destabilization of Latin America, articulating forces and actions with oligarchic powers, conservative political and economic elites in the region.

Undoubtedly, the role of the intelligence agencies of the northern country played a decisive role in all the dictatorships of Our America, they have played and continue to play today a central role in the generation of instability, ungovernability and direct or forbidden support for authoritarian regimes where their interests are put at risk.

National Security Archive reveals the central role of the CIA in destabilizing the government of Salvador Allende, which was accused of being a “communist” government, it is worth remembering how actors from heavy transport, the media, big businessmen and even universities came together to sabotage, damage, belittle, blame, hinder the legitimately elected government of Salvador Allende.

This way of proceeding is not new, it comes about, among others, from the Monroe Doctrine. It is key to keep these events in mind in historical perspective, which today gains value as they reappear as a 5G version of interference in the region.

These actions revealed are not new, they are multiple, but, to give a few examples, it is important to highlight:

Giulio Andreotti, Italian Prime Minister revealed the existence of the so-called “Operation Gladio” orchestrated by the CIA and NATO during the Cold War, its objective was to organize a network of paramilitaries in Western Europe, among the actions carried out are a series of terrorist acts in the form of “false positives” or False Flag actions, whose justifying argument was to stop the advance of communism. Today many declassified official documents corroborate this, Daniel Ganser, Swiss historian in the book NATO’s Secret Armies (2005) documented these clandestine NATO activities.

Joseph Conrad (1899), Adam Hochschild (1998), Roger Casement (1904) and Frantz Fanon (1961) clearly exposed the atrocities and systematic exploitation of African peoples, the brutalities of the West, of Europe against African peoples and territories.

Daniel Ellsberg, through a leak of documents in 1971, made clear the level of deception to which the United States reached in the face of the war in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, the purpose was none other than to hide the barbarity, violation of Human Rights and IHL (international human rights), all systematic crimes committed by the United States in Vietnam.

Files revealed by the CIA, which thanks to entities such as the National Security Archive portal, have revealed the central and definitive role of the United States in perpetrating coups d’état in Our America and the world. Examples are the planning, execution and support for the dictatorship in Chile (1973), Guatemala (1954), Argentina (1976), among others.

The journalist Seymour Hersh (2004) in his writings in The New Yorker and CBS News, made known to the world the torture, abuse, war crimes, violations of human rights and IHL, committed by U.S. soldiers in the Abu Ghraib prison.

Julian Assange through WikiLeaks (2010) leaked secret US documents, known as Cablegate, where more than 250,000 diplomatic cables were revealed, detailing operations and crimes committed by the US government. In the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, illegal espionage actions against allied countries and an accumulation of human rights abuses were also revealed.

Snowden (2013) leaked information that revealed the scope of global mass “surveillance” carried out illegally and in violation of all principles and rights, by the National Security Agency (NSA).

These are some examples in an ocean of cases.

Colombia, its governments including the current one, insist on maintaining “good” or rather subordinate relations with the United States, a reality that is far from autonomy as a country, from sovereignty. On the contrary, it insists in this way, on delivering in depth the vast national territories, the Amazon among them.

Relations with NATO, Southern Command, training of new generations of commanders of the Public Force, creating a greater foreign military presence, delivery or “exchange” of information, more privileges and immunity for foreign soldiers, etc., continue.

It is key to take a look at history to understand that this is not a reliable route for Colombia, or for the neighboring countries.

Comandante Antonio García

Source: ELN Voces