The Resistance in Lebanon Confirms With Fire the Equation of the Unity of the Fields, blood, and Destiny — PFLP

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine celebrates the qualitative and intense response of the resistance in Lebanon, which was embodied in the extensive and heavy rocket barrages that targeted sensitive zionist military sites in the occupied city of Haifa and beyond.

This response came in loyalty to the blood of the martyr leaders of the resistance and dozens of innocent civilian martyrs, and as a confirmation that the resistance, with its strength and solid will, is capable of deterring the arrogant and cowardly enemy, and that the assassination of its leaders will not weaken its determination or break its will.

The expansion of the resistance’s strike range to reach wider areas deep within the entity, through launching heavy rocket barrages that surpassed multiple zionist defenses, represents a qualitative blow to the zionist depth by all standards, and a breach of the occupation’s fortifications and protection systems for sensitive military sites, which led to a state of disruption in the zionist deterrence system.

The enemy believed that the assassination of leaders and targeting civilians through carrying out wide-scale war crimes in Lebanon would weaken the resistance’s capabilities or disrupt its units. However, it proved the opposite this morning; its strikes showed that its offensive and defensive systems remain strong, and that there are leaders and units ready and trained to lead the battle and deliver painful blows to the enemy, continuing on the path of the martyrs.

The resistance in Lebanon succeeded, through these qualitative strikes, in reinforcing the equation of the Unity of the Fields, blood, and destiny, sending a clear message to the leaders of the zionist entity that there is no separation between what is happening in Gaza and the north, and that the resistance in Lebanon will not cease to support and assist Gaza until the genocide war against it stops. It reaffirms once again with the fire of its rockets that it will not abandon Palestine, nor Gaza, no matter the sacrifices and the martyrdom of its leaders.

The announcement by the U.S. administration, which is directly involved with the entity, of a state of maximum alert in the region indicates the inability of the zionist entity to defend itself against the escalating strength of the resistance’s strikes, and the collapse of its deterrent power.

Despite all the pain and the loss of our heroic leaders, and despite the voices of those who discourage and dishearten, our confidence in the peoples of our nation is limitless; they are capable of disrupting the occupation, draining its resources, and thwarting its plans, on the path to victory and the expulsion of this criminal zionist entity from our land.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
September 22, 2024