Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine Calls for Mass Action to Denounce the Aggression in Lebanon and Support its Valiant Resistance

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine called, in a statement issued by it, on the masses of our people in the West Bank, with their national forces, social sectors, and popular movements, to continue popular mobilization and take to the streets to express their outrage and anger against the ongoing war of destruction and genocide that has extended to our beloved Lebanon and its brotherly people, aiming to weaken the support front for the Palestinian resistance, which has continued to engage with the enemy and exhaust it as long as it persists in its aggression and brutal war against our people in Gaza and the West Bank.

The Islamic Resistance Front praised the valiant resistance and the spirits of the hundreds of martyrs who rose in their steadfastness and firm stance, in the courageous and painful response to the enemy, defending Lebanon, its people, and its land, while continuing to support the Palestinian people and their resistance against the ongoing genocide war, amid the international community’s and Security Council’s inability to stop it.

The Democratic Front held the full responsibility for the continuation of the war and aggression, and the serious risks it poses of turning into a regional war, to the American administration, the actual partner in the genocide war.

Central Media