KBDH Ceren Gunes Militia; “We Carried Out Acts of Revenge in Istanbul!”

Acts of Revenge in Istanbul Against Isolation and Occupation Attacks by KBDH

The details of the actions carried out by the KBDH Ceren Güneş Militia in Istanbul on different dates are as follows;

1) On September 13, at around 14:00, a boat and net cannons ready for ships were set on fire in Istanbul/Sarıyer/Rumeli Feneri Port. In this action, both tools and materials were completely burned to ashes.

2) On September 15, around 23:00, our militia, who determined that drugs were being used and sold in an abandoned building on Zara Street in Istanbul/Kartal/Cevizli District, set fire to the building and warned that those who sell and drink drugs in the neighborhood will not go unpunished. Our militia retreated safely to its own area after the action.

Like our guerrilla who fought heroically in the mountains against the genocidal Turkish states concept of total annihilation and occupation/attacks, we, as the militia of the United Revolution, continue to march fearlessly against fascism in the cities and metropolises!

The fascist AKPMHP regime should know that the isolation and occupation operations in Kurdistan are our reason for taking revenge!

The barbaric Turkish state has never stopped using its policies of oppression, torture and isolation against revolutionaries. The tradition of unyielding resistance against fascism of revolutionaries from the Igbos to the Mahirs, from the Denizs to the Oppressed and many others is being continued today by revolutionary prisoners in all the prisons of Turkey and Kurdistan in the person of İmrali.

These attacks, which continue to increase, primarily target women. Colonial and fascist regimes are afraid of womens organized struggle. Because every woman who rebelled against the maledominated system that was wanted to be dominated has become a part of the memory of the society. We dedicate this action to Jina Amînî, who shook the fascist regime to its foundations with the serhildans that started after her murder by the reactionary mullah regime, and we state that we will fight uninterruptedly until we destroy the maledominated mentality.

Long live KBDH!

Long live the united struggle of women!

Jin Jiyan Azadi!