America is Complicit and its Secretary of State, War Criminal Blinken, is a Partner in Starving Our People: PFLP

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine holds the US administration, headed by its war criminal Secretary of State Blinken, fully responsible for the humanitarian catastrophe and war of starvation that the occupation is waging against our people in the Gaza Strip.

– The attempt by the Zionist Blinken to deny and conceal the shocking facts revealed by two American government agencies, regarding the occupation’s deliberate starvation of our people in the Gaza Strip by obstructing the arrival of humanitarian aid, killing relief workers, destroying infrastructure, and detaining basic food supplies in its ports, is a new American war crime that confirms the direct involvement of the American administration in the Zionist war of extermination against our people.

– America’s continued arming of the occupation and its cover-up of its crimes confirms beyond any doubt that it is fully involved in the occupation’s systematic policies to starve our people in the Gaza Strip. What is more dangerous is its deliberate concealment of the unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe even from official American bodies, which originally ignore the tragic facts and base their positions solely on the Zionist narrative.

We call on the free people in America and those who reject the criminal American policies in the world, especially the Zionist war of extermination in the Gaza Strip, to activate all forms of pressure and escalation against the American administration until it stops its absolute support for the crimes of the occupation and its direct relationship with the war of starvation against our people.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department