Hezbollah Al-Aqsa Flood One Year Anniversary Statement

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
“Permission to fight is given to those who are being fought, because they have been wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory.”
This is the truth of Allah, the Most High, the Almighty.

Today marks the one-year anniversary of the heroic Al-Aqsa Flood operation, in which the will of the Palestinian resistance was manifested in confronting aggression, oppression, and occupation that has afflicted this oppressed people since 1948, followed by wars, tragedies, and destruction. This operation will have historical effects and strategic results on the overall situation in the region until justice is achieved with the end of the occupation, and the Palestinian people regain their rightful, complete freedom from the river to the sea.

On this historic occasion, we reaffirm the following:

1 – The full right of the Palestinian people to resist the occupation by all means necessary to restore their legitimate rights and expel the occupation.

2 – Despite the brutality of the occupation and its aggression, which led to the martyrdom of tens of thousands of Palestinians and the ruthless destruction of the Gaza Strip, this oppressive, aggressive entity has proven to be fragile and incapable of survival without American support.

3- There is no place for this temporary zionist entity in our region or within our social, cultural, and human fabric. It remains a malignant cancerous tumor that must be eradicated, no matter how long it takes.

4 – The United States of America, along with its allies and tools in the world and the region, are partners in this occupation’s aggression and its crimes against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples and the peoples of the region. They bear full responsibility for the killing, crimes, and devastating humanitarian tragedies.

5 – We commend the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance after a year of patience, endurance, and heroism, despite the immense suffering and pain. They are deserving of victory.

6 – We salute the strength and courage of our fighting brothers on the support fronts in dear Yemen and great Iraq, as well as the historic decision by the Islamic Republic of Iran to strike the heart of the zionist entity with missiles in support of the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples. This has had profound impacts and significant results on the nature of this open confrontation with the zionist enemy.

7 – Hezbollah’s decision to open the support front on October 8th to back the Palestinian people and their honorable resistance is a decision in favor of justice and full humanity. At the same time, it is a decision to defend Lebanon and its people, for which our resistance and people have paid a heavy price, both in leadership and in military and material structures, as well as through the forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of civilians and the heavy destruction of private properties. Despite the continued limitless aggression of the enemy, we remain confident, by the will of Allah, in the ability of our resistance to repel the aggression and in the patience and steadfastness of our great, resisting people, until this calamity is lifted. We see ease after hardship and relief after difficulty, for the time of defeats has passed, and Allah’s victory has arrived.

“And victory is only from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise.”

Monday, 7-10-2024
03 Rabi’ al-Thani 1446 AH