Joint Operations Room of the Palestinian Factions — One Year Since the Al-Aqsa Flood: The Resistance is United and Will Triumph

In the Name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful,
“Permission to fight is given to those who are being fought, because they have been wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory.”

One Year Since the Al-Aqsa Flood: The Resistance is United and Will Triumph

O great Palestinian people… O masses of our Arab and Islamic Nations:

A year has passed since the start of the Al-Aqsa Flood Battle, which ignited from the Gaza Strip on October 7th and whose impact has reached every corner of the earth. The free peoples of the world rose up, each resisting as they could—some supported our people’s resistance with arms and combat, while others protested, demonstrated, and provided political support, which is the least they could do.

The crossing on October 7th, and what followed, was a defining moment in our people’s and our nation’s struggle. It will be recorded in history as a major turning point that tarnished the image of the usurping entity and forever shattered the deterrence theory it had tried to impose since its establishment. This event opened the door for the free resistors of the Islamic Nation to unite with the Palestinian fighters as a step toward the liberation of Palestine by the hands of the free.

The occupation and its arrogant leadership were struck by the shock of the Al-Aqsa Flood. How could a besieged people with limited means, confined to a small area with no resources for resistance, bring a well-armed entity to its knees? They crushed the [IOF] Gaza Division, considered the strongest in the enemy’s army, the most disciplined and vigilant. This unexpected blow shocked the occupation’s leadership, its security apparatus, and its army. There is much more for the enemy to witness in terms of strategic consequences in the coming days, months, and years, with the will of Allah.

Our people’s anger and the resistance’s fury reached their peak on October 7th last year, with the escalating aggression against Al-Aqsa, the rapid steps to desecrate and divide it, both temporally and spatially, and the unprecedented actions preparing for its demolition to build the alleged temple, all while the world remained silent. Meanwhile, in the occupation’s prisons, crimes against prisoners reached intolerable levels under the measures of the extremist fascist Ben Gvir. The Gaza Strip, choking under siege and condemned to a slow death, and the West Bank, where annexation and settlement expansion were accelerating, added fuel to the explosion of our people’s resistance, who fought their oppressors with whatever they could, knowing that the price of freedom is steep.

The unity of the fighters in the field over the past year, through relentless combat and heroic defense against the aggression, has been remarkable. It added strength to all resistance forces, which supported each other with information, weapons, men, and combat, standing shoulder to shoulder, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy’s soldiers and vehicles. They set traps in every street, neighborhood, and alley, sending a clear message to the enemy: Our people and factions are united in adopting resistance as the destiny of all occupied peoples and their sacred right. These fighters are the sons of our great people, our selfless families, our steadfast clans, and our proud cities and villages. Without the support of our people for their fighters and heroes, without the steadfastness of our people in the face of unprecedented aggression and genocide, and without their rejection of displacement plans, the fighters would not have been able to withstand the enemy’s overwhelming military force.

The enemy, failing on the battlefield and unable to achieve any of its war objectives, resorted to waging a genocide war against civilians, killing tens of thousands of martyrs and injuring many more, destroying homes, trees, and infrastructure, targeting shelters and medical centers, showing no regard for any sanctities, all in hopes of breaking our people or distancing them from the resistance. Yet, contrary to what the occupation hoped, we saw our people rushing to join the ranks of the fighters, before and during the war, to engage in this sacred battle.

Our brave West Bank did not hesitate to join this Flood that shook the pillars of the occupation.

Its courageous fighters rose against the occupation’s army and its military outposts and settler gangs. They executed heroic operations in the West Bank and within the occupied territories, establishing fortified bases in several Palestinian cities and camps, where resistance fighters from all factions collaborated, developed their tools, and confronted the occupation forces that sought to uproot them and punish them for their resistance.

They inflicted heavy losses on the enemy, and they are still preparing for more. The best is yet to come from the heroes and fighters of the West Bank, with the help of Allah.

O people of our free nation,

It is with great pride and honor that we witness the fighters from Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq joining forces with the fighters of our people, supporting them by directly engaging in the battle, targeting enemy forces and military bases, and inflicting losses. Likewise, the powerful strikes carried out by the Islamic Republic of Iran against the zionist entity announced their solidarity with our people and their support for the resistance. All of these fronts have sacrificed martyrs and made great sacrifices on the path to Al-Quds. The blood of their fighters and leaders has mixed with the blood of our people, leaders, and fighters, affirming the unity of purpose, blood, and destiny. Palestine is not alone, and this battle, which ignited from Gaza, will change the face of the region, paving the way for the liberation of Palestine and the defeat of the occupation, Allah willing.

The leadership of the Palestinian resistance factions, represented by the Joint Operations Room, stands united in its decision and vision. We have fought every stage of this battle as one, conducting indirect negotiations for months with a unified and agreed-upon approach, and we will remain so in loyalty to the blood of the martyrs, the suffering of the afflicted, the displaced, and the prisoners. We will continue to defend our people with all the strength we possess, never abandoning our duty. We remain committed to stopping the bloodshed, but not at the expense of our people’s legitimate rights.

You, O people of Palestine, deserve so much. We have resisted together, offered martyrs together, and we will overcome this ordeal together. We will rebuild what the occupation has destroyed together because you are part of us, and we are part of you. The blood of the leaders and fighters that has been shed is a sacrifice for you, and it is part of your own sacrifices. Rest assured that Allah will not let these sacrifices go in vain, but rather, they will bear the fruits of goodness and victory for our people and our nation, even if it takes time.

Mercy and eternity to our righteous martyrs… Freedom to our heroic prisoners… Healing for the wounded and injured… And freedom to our great people.

Allah is the Greatest, and victory belongs to the resistance.

The Joint Operations Room of the Palestinian Resistance Factions
October 7, 2024